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Text INTERNAL Project Presentation (Processes Followed) Infinity DTH Services-Module 1 HYD12/HJA54-Group-1 gokul(842007) Aakanksha(835620) Preetham(843274)

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Presentation on theme: "Text INTERNAL Project Presentation (Processes Followed) Infinity DTH Services-Module 1 HYD12/HJA54-Group-1 gokul(842007) Aakanksha(835620) Preetham(843274)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Text INTERNAL Project Presentation (Processes Followed) Infinity DTH Services-Module 1 HYD12/HJA54-Group-1 gokul(842007) Aakanksha(835620) Preetham(843274) Arshiya(834442) Shiv(854695)

2 INTERNAL - 2 - Phases of the Project Analysis and Design Development/Construction Testing/Defect Fixing

3 INTERNAL - 3 - ETVX MODEL Entry CriteriaTasksVerification & validationExit Criteria

4 Text Analysis & Design

5 INTERNAL - 5 - ETVX for Analysis & Design Entry Criteria: – case study of Infinity DTH services was provided. Tasks: - Based on the case study different activities such as identifying actors and their roles were done.Noun and Verb pairs were found to identify relationships. - SRS Document, Use case, sequence and class Diagrams were prepared. Test cases were prepared. Verification/Validation: - The review of SRS document was done in this phase. Exit Criteria: - The uses cases and DMD,SRS Document are prepared which are inputs for the Development phase. Work Items/Deliverables: - SRS, Use case diagram, sequence diagrams, Class Diagram,test cases

6 Text Development/Construction

7 INTERNAL - 7 - ETVX for Development/Construction Entry Criteria: - SRS Document with LLD and HLD of “Infinity Dth” Module 1. Tasks: - Coding of Individual Sub modules is done in this phase. Verification/Validation: - Sub modules are integrated by “Bottom Up Integration” Approach and integration test is done in this phase. - After integration “Black Box Testing” is done on total Module 1. Exit Criteria: - Reviewed code Work Items/Deliverables: - Reviewed code

8 Text Testing/Defect Fixing

9 INTERNAL - 9 - ETVX for Testing/Defect Fixing Entry Criteria: - The Infinity DTH service code is implemented in J2EE. - It consist of mainly two technology struts2 and hibernate. Tasks: - We tested the whole web application from Security point of view as well as SRS point of view. - We tested the Web Application with the help of “Kali Linux”. - The main aim behind this activity was to secure the transmitted information and to secure the code from the various attacker’s point of view. Verification/Validation: -OWASP top 10 Vulnerability. (XSS, Session Hijacking, DOS) -Best practices for keeping password and personal sensitive information.(ISO 27001) -Encrypted Traffic instead of plain text information. -Server Misconfiguration, and revealing server Information. -Customized Error Pages. -Brute Force Attack. -File Inclusion.

10 INTERNAL ETVX for Testing/Defect Fixing (Contd..) Exit Criteria: -The web application was completely secure from OWASP top 10 vulnerability. - Web application compliance with ISO 27001, PCIDSS. Work Items/Deliverables: - Defect Log -Test Cases -Secure Code.

11 Text Thank You

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