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Presentation on theme: "R ADIATION P ROTECTION ASPECTS LSS1 - TAN REGION Cristina Adorisio (CERN - DGS/RP)"— Presentation transcript:


2 O UTLINE Residual dose rate measurements Last TS (June 25 th, 2012) Evolution of activation Prediction for Xmas technical stop and LS1 Work-Dose Plan LHCf reinstallation during Xmas technical stop ATLAS ZDC reinstallation during Xmas technical stop AFP installation region estimation TCL5 collimator activation Conclusions 2 LTEX Meeting, September 13 th - 2012

3 TAN- LSS1L SIDE 1 (côté tunnel):10µSv/h SIDE 3 : 38µSv/h SIDE 2 : 16µSv/h TOP 1 : 27µSV/h TOP 2 : 5µSv/h TOP 3 :10µSv/h TOP 4 : 12µSV/h TOP 6 : 16 µSV/h TOP 7 : 44µSv/h SIDE 3 : 39 µSv/h SIDE 1 9µSV/h TOP 5 : 12µSv/h Thanks to: A. Herve (CERN DGS/RP)

4 TAN- LSS1R TOP 6 15µSv/h TOP 5 10µSv/h TOP 4 12µSv/h TOP 2 : 9µSv/h SIDE 3 : 35 µSv/h SIDE 1 : 11 µSv/h TOP 1 : 77µSv/h (*) TOP 3 : 8µSv/h SIDE 2 : 16µSv/h (*) TOP 7 27µSv/h Thanks to: A. Herve (CERN DGS/RP)

5 SIDE 1: 13µSv/h SIDE 3: 54µSv/h SIDE 2: 14µSv/h TOP 1: 63µSv/h TOP 2: 18µSv/h TOP 4: 24µSv/h TOP 7: 50µSv/h TOP 3: 28µSv/h TOP 5: 20µSv/h TOP 6: 26µSv/h TAN- LSS5L Thanks to: A. Herve (CERN DGS/RP)

6 TOP 7: 50µSv/h TOP 6: 30µSv/h TOP 5: 30µSv/h TOP 4: 22µSv/h TOP 2: 19µSv/h SIDE 3: 95µSv/h SIDE 1: 13µSv/h SIDE 2 (*): 16µSv/h TOP 1: 48µSv/h (*) TOP 3: 22µSv/h TAN- LSS5R Thanks to: A. Herve (CERN DGS/RP)

7 7 LTEX Meeting, September 13 th - 2012 TS#2 S URVEY MEASUREMENTS S UMMARY Residual dose rate on contact (  Sv/h)

8 8 LTEX Meeting, September 13 th - 2012 E VOLUTION OF ACTIVATION The measurements could be used to estimate the residual dose rate during the TS in 2012 and the LS1 Referring to June 2012 detailed measurements done on TANs, the scaling factors is: 1.35 for Xmas TS 2012 → essentially driven by the peak luminosity Referring to Feb. 2012 detailed measurements done on TANs and on the detectors, the scaling factors is: 3 for LS1 → essentially driven by the integrated luminosity measurementsextrapolations

9 9 LHCf RE - INSTALLATION – X MAS TS Operation Time (min) Required Personnel Position Individual Dose (  Sv) Collective Dose (  Sv) -2 Bring downstairs the detectors and the tooling needed for the installation 10 2 physicists from LHCf PM15-> UL16 00 Bring downstairs electrical cupboard, camera and desktop 20 2 operators from EN/HE PM15-> UL16 00 0 Radiation Survey 15 1 technician DGS/RP UJ16/TAN 13 1 Prepare/check mini- cranes for operation 45 2 operators from EN/HE TAN and between TAN and UJ16 612 2 Bring the shielding box 10 2 operators from EN/HE Bunker in UJ17 ->TAN 00 3 Bring the detector to the TAN 5 2 physicists from LHCf UJ17 -> TAN 00 4 Remove Cu bar and place it in the appropriate shielding box 10 2 operators from EN/HE UJ16 Behind the shielding wall 00 5 Install detector 10 2 operators from EN/HE UJ16 Behind the shielding wall 00 6 Remove bar shielding box 10 2 operators from EN/HE TAN-> bunker in UJ17 00 7 Remove electrical cupboard and cameras from TAN 5 2 operators from EN/HE TAN 510 8 Bring upstairs electrical cupboard, camera and desktop 20 2 operators from EN/HE UJ16 -> PM15 00 LTEX Meeting, September 13 th - 2012 1 week cooling time

10 10 LHCf RE - INSTALLATION – X MAS TS Operation Time (min) Required Personnel Position Individual Dose (  Sv) Collective Dose (  Sv) 9 Screwing (no fine positioning) 15 2 physicists from LHCf On top of the TAN 2652 10 Installation of the Front Counter 10 2 physicists from LHCf On top of the TAN and behind it on the footbridge 1836 11 Cabling for preamp and FC 5 2 physicists from LHCf On top of the TAN and behind it on the footbridge 918 12 Additional cabling for the electronics box 10 2 physicists from LHCf On top and side of the TAN 1836 13 Survey 4 h 2 technicians from BE/ABP Around the TAN region 62124 14 Electronics commissioning (8 h) 60 2 physicists from LHCf This test is performed from USA15. In case of problems 2 physicists from LHCf will have to work on top of the TAN for a period which depends on the kind of problem (typically 15-60 min) 105210 15 Mechanical commissioning (manipulator) ( 8 h ) 30 2 physicists from LHCf Test performed mainly from USA15. One physicist is required to stay on top of the TAN for 30 minutes maximum 2754 16 Bring back detector shielding boxes 10 1 physicists from LHCf TAN->PM15 00 17 Exit the zone 10 2 physicists from LHCf TAN->PM15 00 LTEX Meeting, September 13 th - 2012 1 week cooling time

11 11 LHCf RE - INSTALLATION – X MAS TS Concerned Person Individual Dose (  Sv) 1 st LHCf physicist158 2 nd LHCf physicist98 3 rd LHCf physicist150 DGS/RP technician13 1 st operator from EN/HE11 2 nd operator from EN/HE11 1 st operator from BE/ABP62 2 nd operator from BE/ABP62 Collective Dose 565  Sv Summarizing (1 week cooling time): The estimated dose are done considering the maximum dose rate at the position of the worker (TAN aisle, TAN top or side on contact). The individual dose for two of the LHCf physicists falls into the ALARA level II. Collective dose falls into ALARA level II. LTEX Meeting, September 13 th - 2012 1 week cooling time

12 12 LTEX Meeting, September 13 th - 2012 E VOLUTION OF ACTIVATION No MD before the Xmas TS No MD also before TS#3 → relook at the estimations after the next TS measurementsextrapolations

13 13 LHCf RE - INSTALLATION – X MAS TS Concerned Person Individual Dose (  Sv) 1 st LHCf physicist269 2 nd LHCf physicist165 3 rd LHCf physicist254 DGS/RP technician23 1 st operator from EN/HE17 2 nd operator from EN/HE17 1 st operator from BE/ABP105 2 nd operator from BE/ABP105 Collective Dose 955  Sv Summarizing (1 DAY cooling time): The estimated dose are done considering the maximum dose rate at the position of the worker (TAN aisle, TAN top or side on contact). The individual dose for the LHCf physicists falls into the ALARA level II. Collective dose falls into ALARA level II. LTEX Meeting, September 13 th - 2012 1 DAY cooling time

14 14 ATLAS ZDC RE - INSTALLATION – X MAS TS Operation Time (minutes) Required Personnel Position Individual Dose (  Sv) Collective Dose (  Sv) 0 Radiation Survey 15 1 technician DGS/RP UJ16/TAN side 13 1 Remove H3 PMT 5 1 physicist from ATLAS ZDC TAN passarelle 99 2 Remove the remote hadling bars and cover H1-pixel 15 1 physicist from ATLAS ZDC TAN passarelle 26 2 15 1 physicist from ATLAS ZDC TAN side 13 3 Mount PMT H1, H2, H3, EM and light tightening of PMT 30 1 physicist from ATLAS ZDC TAN passarelle 53 3 30 1 physicist from ATLAS ZDC TAN side 27 4 Prepare and connect HV and signal cables for EM, H1, H2, H3 10 1 physicist from ATLAS ZDC TAN passarelle 180 4 10 1 physicist from ATLAS ZDC TAN side 90 5 Mount H1-pixel front end electronics and connect signals and HV cables 15 1 physicist from ATLAS ZDC TAN passarelle 260 5 15 1 physicist from ATLAS ZDC TAN side 130 6 If needed remount LED calibration system for HAD1 pixel 15 1 physicist from ATLAS ZDC TAN passarelle 26 6 15 1 physicist from ATLAS ZDC TAN side 13 7 Preparation laser optical fiber, connect optical splitter and connect it to the 4 PMT 15 1 physicist from ATLAS ZDC TAN passarelle 26 7 15 1 physicist from ATLAS ZDC TAN side 13 8 Prepare cables to connect to the NIM crate 10 2 physicists from ATLAS ZDC TAN side (bottom) 918 9 Connect the NIM crate and all modules inside to the cables 30 2 physicists from ATLAS ZDC TAN side (bottom) 2754 10 Commissioning (8h) 120 2 physicists from ATLAS ZDC Around the TAN if needed 36 LTEX Meeting, September 13 th - 2012 1 week cooling time

15 15 ATLAS ZDC RE - INSTALLATION – X MAS TS Concerned Person Individual Dose (  Sv) 1 st ATLAS ZDC physicist223 2 nd ATLAS ZDC physicist127 DGS/RP technician13 Collective Dose 363  Sv Summarizing (1 week cooling time): The estimated dose are done considering the maximum dose rate at the position of the worker (TAN aisle, TAN top or side on contact). The individual dose for the ATLAS ZDC physicists falls into the ALARA level II. Transport part is the same as for LHCf detector (they will be transported together/at the same moment). LTEX Meeting, September 13 th - 2012 1 week cooling time

16 16 ATLAS ZDC RE - INSTALLATION – X MAS TS Concerned Person Individual Dose (  Sv) 1 st ATLAS ZDC physicist380 2 nd ATLAS ZDC physicist217 DGS/RP technician23 Collective Dose 620  Sv Summarizing ( 1 day cooling time): The estimated dose are done considering the maximum dose rate at the position of the worker (TAN aisle, TAN top or side on contact). The individual dose for the ATLAS ZDC physicists falls into the ALARA level II. Collective dose falls into ALARA level II. Transport part is the same as for LHCf detector (they will be transported together/at the same moment). LTEX Meeting, September 13 th - 2012 1 DAY cooling time

17 TCL5 ACTIVATION 17 LTEX Meeting, September 13 th - 2012 Residual dose rate on contact (  Sv/h) measurements extrapolations Extrapolation to 2015 is done considering: the energy difference (3.5TeV to 6.5TeV) a max peak luminosity of 2.2∙10 34 cm -2 s -1

18 C ONCLUSIONS The estimation for the Xmas TS are done considering 1 week cooling time Some estimation for shorter cooling time (1 day) considering the absence of the MD before the Xmas TS The estimation for the LS1 are done considering 3 months cooling time All the estimations will be updated/reviewed using the survey measurements which will be done during next technical stop TS#3 18 LTEX Meeting, September 13 th - 2012


20 20 LTEX Meeting, 5 April 2012 ALARA Optimization is a legal requirement if accumulated individual dose exceeds 100 μSv/year (ALARA) Optimization includes work coordination work procedures handling tools design material required optional


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