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World-Wide Depression and the Rise of Militarism Action and Reaction!

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2 World-Wide Depression and the Rise of Militarism Action and Reaction!

3 First, Some Key Terms!

4 Key Terms Totalitarianism Totalitarianism  A form of government that controls every aspect of its citizens’ lives. Citizens have no rights. No opposition.  Militarism  Militarism - Glorifying and building up your military. Using military force to promote your countries goals.  Nationalism  Nationalism – an extreme form of patriotism. Glorifying and increasing the influence of one’s own country (often at the expense of others)

5 Fascism Fascism  Political system that places the importance of the nation over the individual. Nazism Nazism  Political system that places the importance of the nation over the individual (Fascism) with the addition of racial superiority

6 Lets Review!

7 Communist Soviet Union – Joseph Stalin Totalitarian Communist State Based on equality of all – but a lack of freedoms for all. State ownership of all property

8 Stalin’s Plan 2 Main goals:  Raise agriculture production  Modernize industry Five-Year Plan:  Take private lands from farmers – collectivization (you’ll be a farmer whether you like it or not!)  Export food for profit = famine

9 The Great Purge: Secret police Use of force against all other political parties and those who stood against him.

10 Difficulties in Germany High debts from WWI High unemployment Massive inflation in the 1920s

11 The Weimar Republic: discredited in the eyes of the world AND Germany discredited in the eyes of the world AND Germany  Blame of communists, Jews and liberals for the problems of the Weimar Republic.  Treaty of Versailles  Political Extremism—Communist and fascist and extreme nationalist  Economic disaster! The people are looking for SALVATION Germany--Weimar Republic- 1920’s

12 What is going on in this picture?




16 World War 1 and the Treaty of Versailles leaves Germany angry, poor and dangerous

17 Hitler & Germany Promised the people work and a stable government Increased his power through force  Arrested enemies and opponents  Built up the armed forces

18 Nazi Germany – Adolf Hitler Extreme nationalism and racism Militaristic expansionism Private property with strong government controls Anticommunist and Anti-Jew

19 January 1933: Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany

20 The Nazi State 1933-1945 Total State control techniques Total State control techniques  propaganda masters  mass demonstrations  rearmament of the military – put everyone to work!  Retake land  SS control of police using terror based on Nazi ideology (secret police,camps execution and extermination)

21 Nazi Propaganda—Hitler Youth



24 Mussolini “Il Duce” & Italy In 1919 Mussolini forms the Fascist party Appointed prime minister in 1922 Italy was plagued with  Poverty  Unemployment  social unrest

25 Fascist Italy – Benito Mussolini Extreme nationalism Militaristic expansionism Private property with strong government controls Anticommunist

26 What did he do once in power? Suspended elections Banned labor unions Outlawed opposing political parties Censored the press Employed spies and secret police


28 1936-1939 Spanish Civil War Francisco Franco leads a military rebellion in Spain Italy and Germany send supplies, weapons and troops Franco wins and sets up a facist dictatorship

29 Japan Japanese islands – growing population but limited resources Need to conquer others obtain resources (oil, steel and rubber) As military gets more successful, they get more power eventually controlling entire government Hideki Tojo – Japan Imperialist Military Regime

30 Action and Reaction!

31 Hitler visits a factory and is enthusiastically greeted. Many Germans were grateful for jobs after the misery of he depression years. 1935-1936 Germany remilitarizes

32 Hitler announces new Air Force Compulsory Military Service Troops enter the Rhineland League of Nations lodges a formal protest.

33 1935 Italy Invades Ethiopia Ethiopian Forces cannot stop the invasion Ethiopia Annexed Rome-Berlin Axis formed League of Nations imposes trade sanctions on Italy. U.S. refuses to do so…

34 1936-1939 Spanish Civil War Francisco Franco leads military rebellion in Spain Italy and Germany send supplies, weapons and troops Franco wins and sets up a totalitarian dictatorship

35 Some U.S. volunteers fight but congress passes Neutrality Acts keeping the U.S. from getting involved…

36 Nanjing

37 1937 Japanese troops massacre civilians in Nanjing Japanese army invades Nanjing 300,000 dead 20,000 women raped “Rape of Nanjing” Roosevelt calls for “quarantine” against aggressive nations like Japan Japan invades Vietnam, Formosa, Korea, much of China and several Pacific Islands…

38 1938 German Anschluss with Austria Hitler pressures the Austrian Government to join with Germany. March – troops cross border without opposition League of Nations lodges a formal protest.

39 ‘38 Any Predictions?


41 1939 Germany invades Czechoslovakia Hitler claims that Germans need “Lebensraum” – Living Space Wants to join the “Sudetenland” of Southern Czechoslovakia with Germany – threatens to invade the Munich Pact British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain signs the Munich Pact September, 1938 GIVES Southern Czechoslovakia to Germany… I Bring You Peace In Our Time!

42 On March 15, 1939… Hitler invades the rest of Czechoslovakia… Reaction: Britain and France warn them not to invade anyone else…

43 Any More Predictions?

44 1939 Germany Attacks Poland Early ‘39 Germany signs a “non-aggression” Pact with the Soviet-Union! (we thought Hitler hated Communism…) Pact allows German forces to invade Poland without Soviet interference Blitzkrieg tactics Soviets invade from the East

45 September 1, 1939 Germany invades Poland! France and Britain declare war on Germany. They are helpless to prevent the takeover of Poland… World War II BEGINS…

46 1940 Germany Invades Low Countries and France Hitler moves troops to Germanys western borders. Attacks Denmark, Netherlands and Belgium Invades France Italy declares war on France and England


48 1940 Germany attacks Britain (Battle of Britain) German planes flew raids against British ports, airfields and industry Later, bombing targets shift to large cities

49 British fighter pilots shoot down more than 600 aircraft. British citizens withstood bombing raids. U.S. begins sending aid to Britain under the Lend-Lease act Reaction!

50 1941 Japan attacks Pearl Harbor December 7, 1941 300 Japanese bombers and fighter planes attack the U.S. military base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii They cripple the U.S. fleet, damaging or sinking 18 ships and 300 aircraft

51 reaction! The Next Day, President Roosevelt asks Congress to declare war on Japan

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