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Verbs and Nouns! A fun Web quest to help you understand the concept of those fun words that are verbs and nouns.

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Presentation on theme: "Verbs and Nouns! A fun Web quest to help you understand the concept of those fun words that are verbs and nouns."— Presentation transcript:

1 Verbs and Nouns! A fun Web quest to help you understand the concept of those fun words that are verbs and nouns

2 Introduction: This Web quest is designed to invite students to learn all about verbs and nouns. They will learn how to identify one from the other, and be able to use them properly in sentences. Students will be working independently on different worksheets that go along with this Web quest to show their understanding of the different types of words. At the end of the Web quest, students will be able to create a page of their own for our class book of verbs and nouns! What are verbs and nouns? Evaluation Rubric Worksheet #1 Conclusion Worksheet #2 Teacher Page Create Your Own Sentences Creating Your Page ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

3 What are Verbs and Nouns?
A verb is a word that is used to describe an action, such as to fly or to run. It can also be used to indicate a state of existence, such as to live. A verb is a major part of a sentence. A noun is a word that is used to describe a person, place, thing or idea. A noun is also one of the major parts of a sentence.

4 1. The teacher told us to sit at our desks.
Worksheet #1 Directions: In the given sentences below that can be found on your worksheet, circle all the verbs you can find, and then underline all of the nouns. 1. The teacher told us to sit at our desks. 2. My sister likes to play outside. 3. I went to the library today. 4. Does anyone know what Jenny likes to eat? 5. Tom sang at the church. 6. My mom cooked me dinner. 7. In class today, Mr. Smith gave us a test. 8. Has anyone seen Sarah’s purse? 9. The dog slept on the couch. 10. Bob drove his car very fast.

5 Directions: With the words given in the word bank below (And on your worksheet), place them in the correct column depending upon if they are a noun or a verb. Worksheet #2 Noun Verb Word Bank Teacher dance beach table work run Grandma school write drink sleep Sister eat car drive

6 Example: My dog likes to play catch with me outside.
Create Your Own Sentences! Directions: On a sheet of paper, write ten sentences to hand in, each consisting of one verb and two nouns. Remember, this is being handed in so use your best handwriting and make sure you use proper punctuation! You can also use more nouns or verbs if you’d like, as long as they are used correctly. Example: My dog likes to play catch with me outside. *Remember to have your one verb, and two nouns!

7 Congratulations. You’ve made it to the final step of the Web quest
Congratulations! You’ve made it to the final step of the Web quest. As a class, we are going to be creating our own book of nouns and verbs, and YOU are going to be the author and illustrator! Creating Your Page Directions: Create a sentence using at least one verb and two nouns and get it checked by me! Once you get the “OK”, illustrate a picture to go along with your sentence. Once you’re done, hand it into me and I will add it to our class book!

8 Evaluation [20 pts. Total] Activities 5 points 4 points 3 points
Worksheet #1 Has no errors at all. Each sentence has the correct verbs and nouns circled and underlined. Has anywhere from 1-4 errors, yet put forth good effort in completing the worksheet. Has anywhere from 5-7 errors , and put forth a decent amount of effort toward the worksheet. Has anywhere from 8-10 errors on the sheet and shows minimal effort toward the worksheet. Has 10 or more errors and shows very small amount of effort on the worksheet. Doesn’t complete the worksheet at all, showing zero effort. Worksheet #2 Has no errors at all. Each word is placed in the correct column. Creating your own sentences Completed all ten sentences, each with the correct number of verbs and nouns. Has neat handwriting and is creative with sentence ideas. Completed all ten sentences with minimal errors and shows good effort. Handwriting is legible and has variety among sentence ideas. Completed all ten sentences with many errors, yet put in good effort. Handwriting is legible but doesn’t have much variety among sentences Completed some, but not all sentences. Errors are throughout the page and handwriting isn’t very legible. Also does not have variety among sentences. Completed very few sentences, with very minimal effort. Handwriting is not legible and there is a poor amount of variety among sentences. Doesn’t complete any sentences and shows zero effort toward the activity. Creating your page Creates a sentence that has no errors and was checked by me, and also has a colorful illustration correlating to the sentence. Created a sentence with no errors and was checked by me, but has a dull picture correlating to the sentence. Created a sentence with no errors and was checked by me, but has a picture that doesn’t correlate to the sentence. Has a sentence with errors that was not checked by me, but has a colorful illustration correlating to the sentence. Has a sentence with errors that was not checked by me, and has a picture that does not correlate to the sentence. Does not complete the activity.

9 CONCLUSION Congratulations, you are now professional verb and noun users and have completed the Verb and Noun Web Quest activity! You are able to identify verbs and nouns and know how to correctly use them in sentences. Keep up the good work, and keep practicing using verbs and nouns in your everyday speech around the classroom and at home! 

10 Teacher Page Standards: National - Eng.K-12.6:
Students apply knowledge of language structure, language conventions, media techniques, figurative language, genre to create, critique and discuss print and non-print texts. State - Standard 1 - Language for Information and Understanding: Students will listen, speak, read, and write for information and understanding. As listeners and readers, students will collect data, facts, and ideas; discover relationships, concepts, and generalizations; and use knowledge generated from oral, written, and electronically developed texts. State - Standard 4: Language for Social Interaction Students will listen, speak, read, and write for social interaction. Students will use oral and written language that follows the accepted conventions of the English language for effective social communication with a wide variety of people. As readers and listeners, they will use the social communications of others to enrich their understanding of people and their views. Procedure: Students will read about what a verb and noun are, and understand how they are different. Students will complete a worksheet identifying what words in sentences are verbs and nouns. Students will complete a worksheet grouping different nouns and verbs that are provided to them. Students will create ten sentences properly using the use of nouns and verbs. Students will create a page for our class book consisting of one sentence using nouns and verbs, and an illustration to correlate with their sentence. Use the rubric to evaluate students.  Accommodations can be made to assist students with disabilities or special needs: For instance, ESL students or students with a low reading level will be able to use accommodated worksheets that have pictures along with words. This way they will be able to identify the meaning of the words given.

11 For Feedback: Please contact me at
Acknowledgements This Web Quest was created by Jamie Turman for EDU 276: Literacy & Technology at the State University of New York Fredonia. For Feedback: Please contact me at

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