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Chapter 2, Section The Roots of Judaism What were the main events in the early history of the Israelites? How did the Jews view their relationship with.

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1 Chapter 2, Section The Roots of Judaism What were the main events in the early history of the Israelites? How did the Jews view their relationship with God? What moral and ethical ideas did the prophets teach? 5

2 Chapter 2, Section 586 B.C.–Babylonians capture Judah – Babylonian Captivity. 722 B.C.–Assyrians conquer Israel. 922 B.C.–Kingdom weakens after splitting into Israel and Judah. Solomon builds capital at Jerusalem, but his rule inspires revolts. 1000 B.C.–David unites Israelites into kingdom of Israel. Israelites enter Canaan, the promised land. Moses leads the Israelites out of Egypt. Famine forces Israelites to migrate to Egypt, where they are enslaved. 2000 B.C.–Abraham migrates from Mesopotamia to Canaan, where he founds the Israelite nation. Persians conquer Babylon and free the Jews from captivity. Early History of the Israelites 5

3 Chapter 2, Section Judaism The Israelites were monotheistic, believing in one true God. At the time, most other people worshiped many gods. The Israelites believed God to be all-knowing, all-powerful, and present everywhere. The Israelites believed that they were God’s “chosen people.” They believed that God would lead them to the “promised land.” 5

4 Chapter 2, Section Teachings on Law and Morality The laws of the Torah address all aspects of life, from cleanliness and food preparation to criminal matters. Jews believe that God gave them a set of laws called the Ten Commandments. Jewish prophets, or spiritual leaders, preached a code of ethics, or moral standards of behavior. Examples: The rich and powerful must protect the poor and weak. All people are equal under God. Unlike many ancient people, the Jews believed their leaders were fully human and bound by God’s law. 5

5 Chapter 2, Section The Rise of Christianity What was Rome’s policy toward different religions in the early empire? What were the major teachings of Jesus, and how were they spread? How did the early Christian Church develop? 4

6 Chapter 2, Section Religious Diversity in the Early Empire As long as people honored Roman gods and acknowledged the divine spirit of the emperor, they were allowed to worship other gods as they pleased. After the Romans conquered Judea, they excused the monotheistic Jews from worshiping the Roman gods. Rome mistrusted Christians because they refused to make sacrifices to the emperor or honor the Roman gods. Roman officials persecuted the Christians. Many Christians became martyrs, people who suffer or die for their beliefs. 4

7 Chapter 2, Section The Teachings of Jesus Some of Jesus’ teachings were rooted in Judaism: Belief in one God Ten Commandments Mercy and sympathy for the poor and helpless Obedience to the laws of Moses Jesus also preached new beliefs: 1) Called himself the Son of God 2) Proclaimed that he brought salvation and eternal life to anyone who would believe in him 3) Jesus also emphasized God’s love and taught the need for justice, morality, and service to others. 4

8 Chapter 2, Section Spread of Christianity At first, the apostles and disciples preached only in Judea. Disciples began to preach in Jewish communities throughout the Roman world. Jews who accepted the beliefs of Jesus became the first Christians. Paul spread Christianity beyond the Jewish communities, to non-Jews. 4

9 Chapter 2, Section The Early Christian Church Early Christian communities shared a common faith and a common way of worship. A bishop was responsible for all Christians in a particular area called a diocese. Gradually, some bishops became patriarchs, with authority over other bishops in their area. The Christian Church thus developed a hierarchy. 4

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