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Development: Examples and Illustrations, Incident, Comparison and Contrast By: Anna Doran.

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Presentation on theme: "Development: Examples and Illustrations, Incident, Comparison and Contrast By: Anna Doran."— Presentation transcript:

1 Development: Examples and Illustrations, Incident, Comparison and Contrast By: Anna Doran

2 Development Clarifies and amplifies (expands) the claims and proof in a speech. If a speaker wants to develop his/her claims clearly and fully, he/she can’t rely on proof alone.

3 Methods of Development in Argumentation Examples: Typical, specific instance of something; model: a representative form or pattern Examples help the speaker convince the audience that the claim is valid. One of the most important types of support in speech.

4 Methods of Development in Argumentation When learning mathematics in school, understanding the rules and methods of math would be difficult if it weren’t for the examples and illustrations teachers demonstrate. Illustration: a longer, more elaborate example; a visual representation (a picture or diagram) that is used make some subject more pleasing or easier to understand

5 Example of how Examples and Illustrations work In math teachers often start out with the simple audition problem: one plus one equals two. 1+1=2 This is an example To better illustrate this example teachers often used pictures or objects to represent number to help students understand visually. One chicken plus another chicken equals two chickens.

6 Example of Illustration

7 Using Illustration in Speech “Draw a picture for the audience” Illustrations are often best to use in the opening and closing of speeches Examples: lusions.htm lusions.htm Illustrations liven up speeches- it’s like imagery Use colorful, interesting language Include a tag

8 Using Examples in speech Examples in writing: student teachers prompt The Medusa and the Snail. When defending the positive effects of Mistakes a lot of people turned to the example of Columbus “accidentally” discovering America. When introducing you example say, “For example” if the example is not clear already. Use multiple examples if possible. Don’t list examples. Fit them in every now and then

9 Incident A narrative, or anecdote; story used to prove or illustrate a point Make sure the point and the incident have a common relationship Don’t overuse Tell with enthusiasm Time is an issue: don’t make too long Example of Incident:

10 Comparison and Contrast Compare: point out similarities between two things Contrast: point out important differences People use this all the time Supplement with examples Clear organization Clear transitions Analogy: explains what the audience doesn’t know to something the audience does know eches/gettysburg.htm eches/gettysburg.htm

11 Three Quiz Questions How do examples help in an argumentative speech? What is a tag? And where is it used? What rhetorical device is an incident similar to?

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