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A DAPTATIONS Adaptations are the characteristics of an animal or a plant that improve its chances of surviving where it lives. There are several different.

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Presentation on theme: "A DAPTATIONS Adaptations are the characteristics of an animal or a plant that improve its chances of surviving where it lives. There are several different."— Presentation transcript:


2 A DAPTATIONS Adaptations are the characteristics of an animal or a plant that improve its chances of surviving where it lives. There are several different types of adaptations:  Structural – relating to an organism’s shape, size or structure  Behavioural – relating to how an organism acts  Functional – relating to an organism’s chemical processes

3 A NIMAL A DAPTATION - GIRAFFE The Giraffes Structural Adaptation is evidently its long thin neck. The giraffes long neck enables it survive because it allows it to reach the tall trees that produce its food.

4 P LANT A DAPTATION – W ARATAH The waratah plants structural adaptation is its thick waxy leaves. The waratahs unique leaves help it survive by helping it cope with the dry conditions. Also to attract certain pollinators.

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