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Introduction to Blackboard Rabie A. Ramadan Session 3.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Blackboard Rabie A. Ramadan Session 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Blackboard Rabie A. Ramadan Session 3

2 Get into Business Courses and Exams 2

3 Review Activity 1 In the information panel : Add the following files : Presentation Word file Video file Make them available starting from tomorrow and remove them automatically after tomorrow 3

4 Review Activity 2 In the course contents, add an item contains three files like you see in the picture. Three files associated with the item. 4

5 Review Activity 3 Preview what student will see and modify your course if needed. 5

6 Item Modification By clicking the right button of the mouse. Select “Edit Settings” 6

7 Edit Settings 7

8 Back to Contents – Adding Web Link 8

9 Adding Web Link 9

10 10

11 Adding Web Link 11

12 Create Learning Module 12 Learning Module is a collection of Content Items focused on a specific subject that students can navigate at their own pace. A complete module with all of the tools provided for contents and items. It is like you have a big subject that needs to be covered separately.

13 Learning Module 13

14 Learning Module 14 Select Yes to force users to progress through the content in the order that is set by the number next to each Content Item.

15 Activity 3 Try to create a certain learning module for your students 15

16 Lesson Plan 16 A Lesson Plan is: special content type that combines information about the lesson itself with the curriculum resources used to teach it.

17 Lesson Plan All what you want to include in the plan 17

18 Lesson Plan – Curriculum Resources 18 So, Lesson plan is a special topic information including its assessments and Items

19 Activity 4 Add your lesson plan Preview as a student Make the appropriate modifications 19

20 Create Syllabus 20 A Syllabus is an outline of a course of study. It can contain course information, goals, instructor contact information, assignments, class meeting dates, textbook information, and more

21 Create Syllabus 21 It adds the name and continue

22 Create Syllabus Enjoy it ! 22

23 Activity 4 Explore by yourself the Syllabus for few minutes ? 23

24 Create a Course Link 24 This is a link to internal materials you may have and think it is related to the teaching topic

25 Create a Course Link 25 Try it yourself

26 Activity 5 Add a course link to your contents? 26

27 Mashups – Flickr photo 27 Flickr is an image hosting and video hosting website You can search for it Add it to your contents

28 Mashups- SlideShare 28 Link to external presentation from SlideShare Search for it and link it

29 Mashups- YouTube video 29 Link to YouTube Video Search for it and link it

30 Activity 5 Add the following links to your course contents : YouTube Video Slideshare Flicker photo xPlor content ( cloud storage – not available for us) 30

31 Creating a Folder 31 A Content Folder is a way of organizing content items. Content Folders and sub-folders set up a hierarchy to group related material together

32 My First Folder You can do again whatever you want with the folder 32

33 Reordering items in the contents drag and drop 33

34 Activity 6 Add a new folder at the information Panel and upload a file into it? Move it above one of your current items Delete it 34

35 Adding course Module 35 Modules are items that include content, links, or tools that can be added to personalize a page The same can be done from course home page but this module appears in the contents

36 Activity 7 Add new module to your content area? 36

37 Activity 8 Add a blank page to the content area and figure out its function ? 37

38 Assessments 38

39 Creating a Test 39 Creating a test / deploys the test to a content area.

40 Create New or Use One of the Existing Tests 40 Create New

41 Creating New test 41 You need the test name and description

42 Creating New test 42 You Also Need Test Instructions

43 Creating New test Description and instructions could be in files 43

44 Creating New test Submit 44

45 Creating New test Test Canvas 45

46 Creating New test Test Canvas – Question Settings Allow me to provide feedback Allow me to add images, files, web links to feedback and/or answers 46

47 Creating New test Test Canvas – Question Settings 47

48 Creating New test Test Canvas – Question Settings 48

49 Activity 9 Just adjust your test questions option before start writing the test ? 49

50 Create Test Questions 50

51 Create Test Questions 51

52 Calculated Formula Questions This is the question should appear to student. 52 Before You Begin: The process for adding a calculated question to an assessment has three steps: Create the question and formula Define the values for the variables Confirm the variables and answers

53 Calculated Formula Questions 53 x and y will be randomly generated for each student In the Options area, leave the Answer Range at zero if the answer must be exact. Now Click Next In the Options area, leave the Answer Range at zero if the answer must be exact. Now Click Next

54 Calculated Formula Questions How to Define the Variables? 54 Number of Answer Sets determines the number of possible variations of the question that will be presented to students Click Calculate to populate the answer sets. Then Submit For more : us/Learn/9.1_SP_10_and_SP_11/Instructor/070_ Tests_Surveys_Pools/100_Question_Types/Cal culated_Formula_Questions

55 Activity 10 Create Calculated Formula Question using the handout under the “Contents” panel.Contents 55

56 Create/Edit Numeric Answer Question This is the question should appear to student 56

57 How to Create a Calculated Numeric Response Question? Access a test, On the action bar, point to Create Question to access the drop-down list. Select Calculated Numeric. Type the Question Text. Type the Correct Answer. This value must be a number. Type the Answer Range. If the answer must be exact for students to receive credit, enter 0. Any value that is less than or more than the Correct Answer by less than the Answer Range value will be marked as correct. Type the Correct Response Feedback that appears in response to a correct answer and the Incorrect Response Feedback for an incorrect answer. Click Submit. 57

58 Activity 10-1 Add this question to the Test 58

59 Create/Edit Either/Or Question Either/Or questions show two answer options, such as True/False or Yes/No. 59

60 Activity 10-2 Add this question to the Test 60

61 File Response Questions The answer is a file student will upload 61

62 Activity 10-3 Add this question to the Test 62

63 Opinion Scale and Likert Questions Good for survey 63

64 Activity 10-4 Add this question to the Test 64

65 Do not forget to edit the test options to make it available for students Use the arrow beside the test name 65

66 Activity 10-5 Preview the course and see if the test is available to students ; if not take the appropriate action to make it available? 66

67 Activity 11 Create your own Exam with these sample questions: The floor area of a room 15 feet long and 12 feet wide is a. 130 square feet b. 150 square feet c. 180 square feet d. 210 square feet Can you ask this question differently ? 67

68 Activity 12 Add the following question to your exam: Write a survey about the new computer technology? 68

69 Uploading Questions 69

70 Creating Questions in Excel All question types must follow a specific format. All files must be saved as a “Text (Tab delimited)(*.txt)”. Do not save as an Excel (.xls), MS-Word (.doc), or WordPerfect (.wpd) document. It is very important to know that each question is created from left to right with each part of the question being in a separate cell. 70

71 71 Note: If you are using this method to create a Survey, you must still define one response as “Correct” and all others as "Incorrect". Blackboard will have an error uploading the file if it does not have an answer labeled as “Correct”.

72 Multiple choice question Use the following formula: MC | question text | answer text | ‘correct’ or ‘incorrect’ Note: The maximum number of answers to create per multiple choice question is 20. 72

73 Multiple Answer Question Use the following formula: MA | question text | answer text | ‘correct’ or ‘incorrect ’ Note: The maximum number of answers to create per multiple choice question is 20. 73

74 True/False Question Use the following formula: TF | question text | ‘true’ or ‘false’ 74

75 Essay Questions Use the following formula: ESS | question text | “essay sample text 75

76 Ordering Questions Use the following formula: ORD | question text | answer Note: The maximum number of answers to create per multiple choice question is 20. The system will randomly order the answers and matches. 76

77 Matching Questions To create, use the following formula: MAT | question text | answer text | matching text The system will randomly order the answers and matches. 77

78 For more Questions …. Go to the content areacontent 78

79 Activity 13 Upload the following exam questions to your exam. 79

80 Back to Assessments 80

81 Survey Similar to Tests 81

82 Assignment 82

83 Assignment Name and instructions 83

84 Related files and due dates? 84

85 Grading 85

86 Grading Options 86

87 Anonymous marking 87

88 What is this for? 88

89 Activity 14 Try to create new assignment for your students ? 89

90 Self and Peer Assessment Allows students to evaluate each other 90

91 Tools Option 91

92 Activity 15 Add the following tools to the students course contents : E-mail Chat session (try to figure it out yourself – No help will be provided - use online help if needed ) 92

93 Discussion Board 93

94 Groups 94

95 Activity 16 Create a group (single group) (try to figure it out yourself – No help will be provided - use online help if needed ) 95

96 Evaluation, Grading, and Users Generate a report Look at the grades Add users / groups 96

97 97

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