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ARRAYS IN C/C++ (1-Dimensional & 2-Dimensional) Introduction 1-D 2-D Applications Operations Limitations Conclusion Bibliography.

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Presentation on theme: "ARRAYS IN C/C++ (1-Dimensional & 2-Dimensional) Introduction 1-D 2-D Applications Operations Limitations Conclusion Bibliography."— Presentation transcript:

1 ARRAYS IN C/C++ (1-Dimensional & 2-Dimensional) Introduction 1-D 2-D Applications Operations Limitations Conclusion Bibliography

2 Introduction Array is a derived data type that represents a collection of the similar types of data with continuous memory locations with fixed size sequence. Roles  Efficient storing of large volume of data  Efficient access and manipulation of data  Helpful in viewing complex problem in simpler way  Single name for multiple data  Structured Data Type


4 1-Dimensional Array Data_type var_name[Expression] Data Type is the type of elements to be stored in the array Var_name is the name of the array like any Other variables Expression specifies the number of elements to be stored In array Example : int num[10]; char city[9]= “HALDIA”; char city[9]={ ‘H’,’A’,’L’,’D’,’I’,’A’} Num[0] =data1 Num[1] =data2 Num[2] =data3 Num[3] =data4 Num[4] =data5 Num[5] =data6 Num[6] =data7 Num[7] =data8 Num[8] =data9 Num[9] =data10

5 2-DIMENSIONAL ARRAY 01234 0 1 2 3 4 01234 0 1 27 3 4 int matrix[5] [5]; matrix[2] [1] = 7 012 0123 1456 2789 3101112 int array [4][5]; or Int [][] array ={ {1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}, {7, 8, 9}, {10, 11, 12} };

6 Applications  Matrix Problem  Solving different algorithms, graph & tree problem  Sparse Matrix  Storing and searching of large amount of data  Stack, Queue  Array of pointers, Dynamic Arrays


8 Limitations  Wastage of memory space. We cannot change size of array at the run time.  It can store only similar type of data.  Sometimes it is not easy to operate with many index arrays.

9 Conclusion Array has added a new flavour to the programming, the efficiency of C language has reached to zenith in terms of efficient storing, accessing and manipulation of data, speed and reliability. Bibliography  ANSI C by E Balagurusamy   Wikipedia

10 Any Questions? Thank you!!

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