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MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2002. PAGE 1 Benefit Analysis of the New Radio Configuration for SMV modes 4 and 5. TSG-C WG3 SOURCE: TITLE: ABSTRACT: RECOMMENDATION: ©2003 Motorola, Inc. Motorola grants a free, irrevocable license to 3GPP2 and its Organizational Partners to incorporate text or other copyrightable material contained in the contribution and any modifications thereof in the creation of 3GPP2 publications; to copyright and sell in Organizational Partner's name any Organizational Partner's standards publication even though it may include all or portions of this contribution; and at the Organizational Partner's sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part such contribution or the resulting Organizational Partner's standards publication. Motorola is also willing to grant licenses under such contributor copyrights to third parties on reasonable, non-discriminatory terms and conditions for purpose of practicing an Organizational Partner’s standard which incorporates this contribution. This document has been prepared by Motorola to assist the development of specifications by 3GPP2. It is proposed to the Committee as a basis for discussion and is not to be construed as a binding proposal on Motorola. Motorola specifically reserves the right to amend or modify the material contained herein and to any intellectual property of Motorola other than provided in the copyright statement above. C30-20030414-071 This contribution describes the benefits of the new radio configuration proposed. FYI. John Harris 847 632 4042; Hao Bi 847 435 5201; Al Jette 847 632 4201;
MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2002. PAGE 2 Outline Outline: –Definitions –SMV Capacity Directly From 3GPP2 Report –New 4Kbps Channel Proposed –New Channel Capacity Benefit in: Walsh Code Limited Systems & RF Limited Systems Walsh Code & RF Limited Systems (System Adapts Mix of RC3 & RC4) –MOS Comparisons Benefits of Using M4 only in Loaded Cells –Summary Definitions/Acronyms: –M4 = SMV Mode 4 (or somewhat equivalently SMV Mode 5) M4 is a half Rate MAX Mode of SMV Mode 0 –WC = Walsh Code –RC3 = Radio Configuration 3 in CDMA 2000. Uses WC length of 64 –RC4 = Radio Configuration 4 in CDMA 2000. Uses WC length of 128 RC4 uses 50% less Walsh code space than RC3, but requires ~30% more RF power –MS = Mobile station
MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2002. PAGE 3 SMV Capacity Directly From 3GPP2 Report Uses exact results from 3GPP2 –SMV Capacity Increases, 3GPP2-C11-20001016-010R1 Cdma2000 Fwd Link CDMA2000R ev Link IS95 Fwd Link IS95 Rev Link Mode 0 0% Mode 1 27% 16%27%** Mode 2 49% 29%49%** Mode 3 60% 35%60%** ½ rate max 57% 34%60%34% Table 2: SMV gains for CDMA2000 and IS95 compared to EVRC based systems **(use of ¼ rates on rev IS95 link is not advised) [1] RF WC 01x 11.27x1x 21.49x1x 31.6x1x 41.57x1x SMV Mode Air Interface Capacity Benefit, If Limited By:
MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2002. PAGE 4 SMV Capacity Directly From 3GPP2 Report Uses exact results from –3GPP2-C11-20001016-010R1 SMV Capacity Increases Cdma2000 Fwd Link CDMA2000R ev Link IS95 Fwd Link IS95 Rev Link Mode 00% Mode 127%16%27%** Mode 249%29%49%** Mode 360%35%60%** ½ rate max57%34%60%34% Table 2: SMV gains for CDMA2000 and IS95 compared to EVRC based systems **(use of ¼ rates on rev IS95 link is not advised) [1] – 3GPP2 Table 8: Total Capacity Gains from Reduced ADR SMV modes in CDMASystems Vocoder Air Interface ADR capacity enhancement over EVRC Air interfaceIS-95cdma2000IS-95cdma2000IS-95cdma2000IS-95cdma2000IS-95cdma2000 Maximum # of users (trunks)18.123023.012438.126.998844.728.9924828.448447.1 Erlangs @ 2 % blocking11.621.915.829.319.335.32138.420.637.6 Capacity Gain over EVRC IS95 or CDMA2000 Systems1 1 1.362069 1.34 1.6637931.611871.81031.7534251.77586 1.72 SMV mode 0 = EVRCSMV mode 1SMV mode 2 1 1.27 1.49 SMV mode 3 1.6 SMV 1/2 rate max 1.57 [1] – 3GPP2 RF WC RF WC 01x 11.27x1x1.34x1x 21.49x1x1.61x1x 31.6x1x1.75x1x 41.57x1x1.72x 1x Erlang Benefit, If Limited By: SMV Mode Air Interface Capacity Benefit, If Limited By:
MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2002. PAGE 5 New 4Kbps Channel Propose 4Kbps channel: With RC4 WC impact savings, but no RC4 RF impact penalty. –Walsh code length = 128 Same WC benefits as with RC4 –Channel coding rate is same as RC3 No RF capacity costs as with RC4 Double ‘win’ possible since peak data rate of channel has dropped from 8 Kbps to 4 Kbps. Reuses coding from RC3 & WC from RC4
MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2002. PAGE 6 New Channel Capacity Benefit in Walsh Code Limited Systems In WC limited systems & if all calls use M4 on new channel, not on RC3: –Increases # ‘Trunks’ by 2x –Increases # Erlangs by 2.16x Walsh Code Erlangs and Trunk Impact Details: –64 WC minus 3 for overhead channels = 61 Walsh codes –Uses Erlang B formula 2x Improvement 2.16 =109/51 Improvement WC ErlangsChannelTrunks 51RC361 109 4K122
MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2002. PAGE 7 New Channel Capacity Benefit In WC limited systems, if all calls use M4 on new channel, not on RC3: –Increases # trunks by 2x –Increases Erlangs by 2.16x In RF limited systems & if all calls use M4 on new channel, not on RC4: –Significantly increases capacity (~1.3x), over that possible with RC4.
MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2002. PAGE 8 Benefit of New Channel if Both WC & RF Limited Both RF & WC capacity limited if adapt the Mix of RC3 & RC4 If there is no new 4K channel, (system needs some RC4 calls), & –Dropping from M0 to M4, saves RF but does not impact WC capacity. –Must retype additional calls from RC3 to RC4, consuming some of the RF benefit of the mode switch, to gain additional WC capacity. If there is new 4K channel, (system needs some RC4 calls), & –Dropping from M0 to M4, saves RF & WC capacity. –No need to retype calls to RC4 - Saves RF capacity RFWC 8K RC3 64% = 1/1.57100% = 1/1.0 Capacity Impact of M4 Relative to M0 Channel (Kbps) RFWC 4K New64% = 1/1.5750% = 1/2.0 Channel (Kbps) Capacity Impact of M4 Relative to M0
MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2002. PAGE 9 Benefit of New Channel if Both WC & RF Limited Assume –System both RF & WC limited simultaneously (e.g. System Adapts RC3 to RC4 Mix) –System is WC limited if it uses all RC3 If no new channel, & drop from M0 to M4: –Saves RF but does not help WC capacity. –After Retyping Calls, Overall benefit 1.38x If new channel & drop from M0 to M4: –Saves RF & save WC capacity. –Overall benefit 1.70x New channel improves M4 air interface capacity by ~1.23x –Overall benefit 1.38 1.70, 1.23 = 1.70/1.38 –“Erlang” benefit is 1.28 = 1.47/1.87, from Erlang B equation
MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2002. PAGE 10 Benefit of M4 on RC3/4 Channel if Both WC & RF Limited Base line system is all SMV M0 –RF & WC limited, –Uses both RC3 & RC4 If drop all calls from M0 to M4 & use only RC3 & RC4: –Saves RF ( 64% = 1/1.57 ) but does not help WC capacity. –Must retype some RC3 calls to RC4 to use some RF benefit of the mode switch, to gain additional WC capacity. Total Load same as in baseline system –Overall benefit 1.38x (1.38 = 45.5/32.9) Call Type# Calls RFWC RC3 23.1 11 RC4 9.8 1.30.5 Total Load 32.935.828.0 Load As % of Base Line 100% Base Line System, All M0 Call Type# Calls RFWC RC3 10.5 0.641 RC4 35.0 1.3*.640.5 Total Load 45.535.828.0 Load As % of Base Line 138% 100% All M4 using only RC3 & RC4 35.8 = 23.1*1+9.8*1.3 28 = 23.1*1+9.8*0.5 35.8 = 10.5*0.64+35*1.3*.64 28 = 10.5 * 1 +35*0.5
MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2002. PAGE 11 Benefit of M4 On New Channel if Both WC & RF Limited Base line system is all SMV M0 –RF & WC limited, –Uses both RC3 & RC4 If drop all calls from M0 to M4 & use new channel: –Saves RF & WC capacity. Total Load same as in baseline system –Overall benefit 1.70x (1.70 = 56/32.9) Call Type# Calls RFWC RC3 23.1 11 RC4 9.8 1.30.5 Total Load 32.935.828.0 Load As % of Base Line 100% Base Line System, All M0 Call Type# Calls RFWC New Channel 56.0 0.640.5 Total Load 56.035.828.0 Load As % of Base Line 170% 100% All M4 Using New Channel 35.8 = 23.1*1+9.8*1.3 28 = 23.1*1+9.8*0.5 35.8 = 56*0.64 28 = 56*0.5
MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2002. PAGE 12 Benefit of New Channel if Both WC & RF Limited If drop all calls from M0 to M4 & use only RC3 & RC4: –Overall benefit 1.38x (1.38 = 45.5/32.9) –Saves RF but does not help WC capacity. If drop all calls from M0 to M4 & use new channel: –Overall benefit 1.70x (1.70 = 56/32.9) –Saves RF & save WC capacity. New channel improves M4 air interface capacity by 1.23x –Overall air interface capacity benefit: 1.38x 1.70x, 1.23 = 1.70/1.38 = 56/45.5 Scenario # CallsRF Cost per CallWC Cost per Call RC3 M0 23.111 RC4 M0 32.935.828.0 RC3 M4 10.50.641 RC4 M4 35.01.3*.640.5 45.535.828.0 RCXM4 56.0 0.640.5 56.035.828.0 M4 with new channel Total --> M0 Using RC3 & RC4, RF & WC Limited (Base Line) M4 using RC3 & RC4, RF & WC Limited
MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2002. PAGE 13 New Channel Benefit In this example, if drop all calls from M0 to M4 and use New Channel Instead of: –Only RC3 (WC Limited Only), Overall benefit ~2x (2 = 56/28) –Only RC4 (RF Limited Only), Overall benefit ~1.3x (1.3 = 56/43) –Mix RC3 & RC4 (WC & RF Limited), Overall benefit 1.23x (1.23 = 56/45.5) Scenario # CallsRF Cost per CallWC Cost per Call RC3 M0 23.111 RC4 M0 32.935.828.0 RC3 M4 28.011 RC4 M4 43.01.3*.640.5 43.035.8 21.5 RC3 M4 10.50.641 RC4 M4 35.01.3*.640.5 45.535.828.0 RCXM4 56.0 0.640.5 56.035.828.0 M4 using RC4 Only, RF Limited Only M4 with new channel Total --> M0 Using RC3 & RC4, RF & WC Limited (Base Line) M4 using RC3 & RC4, RF & WC Limited M4 using RC3 Only, WC Limited Total -->
MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2002. PAGE 14 SMV Average MOS Results [2] **Note: Ranking of Mean Opinion Score (MOS) is ordered for Clean and FER conditions, but not for Noisy condition (EVRC and 13K QCELP) Source: 3GPP2, SMV - Post Collaboration Test, Experiments 1,2,3. COMSAT Labs Assessment Analysis 01- Dec-2001, Contribution 3GPP2-C11-20001204-004R1, Table 6-1c, 6-2c, 6-3c, MIRS = Modified IRS weighting EVRC MOS M4 MOS Note that MOS of EVRC is actually worse than M4, for some noisy conditions [2]
MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2002. PAGE 15 Benefits of Selectively Applying M4 to Loaded Cells By reducing mode from M0 to M4 in loaded cells, –Increases system capacity –Decrease MOS for small % of mobiles in loaded cells Few mobiles (e.g. ~20%) are in cells with more than 75% load –Capacity of system ‘determined’ by load in these cells. Compared to all M0, if retype ~30% of calls in peak loaded cells to M4 then: –1.14x capacity benefit ~14% of the capacity benefit on M4. 1.14 = 1/ (70%*1+30%*(1/1.70)) –If RF & WC limited, & use all M4, increases capacity by 1.7x –Average MOS drops only 0.04 points (or less in noisy environments) Only need to retype ~6% of the mobiles to M4, 6% = ~30%*20% of the mobiles 0.04 MOS difference = 6%*(3.8-3.1)
MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2002. PAGE 16 Highlights / Summary Propose 4Kbps channel with RC4 WC savings, but no RC4 RF penalty. If WC limited & all RC3, going to new channel increases capacity ~2x If RF limited & all RC4, going to new channel increases capacity ~1.3x If RF & WC limited going from M0 to M4: –No new channel: Saves RF but not WCs Must retype calls to RC4, consuming RF benefit of mode switch, to gain WCs –New 4K channel: Saves RF & saves WCs No need to retype calls to RC4. Saves RF capacity. –M4 air int. capacity with new channel is 1.23x more than on RC3/4. (1.38x 1.70) MOS of EVRC is actually worse than M4, for noisy conditions In an example system, applying M4 on the new channel to some calls in loaded cells: –1.14x capacity benefit –Average MOS drops only 0.04 points (even smaller drop in noisy environments) Only drop to M4 on ~6% of calls
MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2002. PAGE 17 References [1] SMV Capacity Increases, Andy DeJaco,Cancun, Mexico, 3GPP2-C11-20001016-010R1, October 16-18, 2000 [2] SMV Post-Collaboration Subjective Test – Interim Host and Listening Lab Report, Frank Corcoran, Kauai, HAWAII December 04 - 08, 2000 3GPP2-C11-20001204-004R1
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