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Strategic Financial Planning. Lifestyle Or Standard of Living Strategic Financial Planning.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategic Financial Planning. Lifestyle Or Standard of Living Strategic Financial Planning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategic Financial Planning


3 Lifestyle Or Standard of Living Strategic Financial Planning

4 Lifestyle Or Standard of Living Earned Income Strategic Financial Planning

5 Lifestyle Or Standard of Living Earned Income Death Strategic Financial Planning

6 Lifestyle Or Standard of Living Earned Income Death Disability Strategic Financial Planning

7 Lifestyle Or Standard of Living Earned Income Death Disability Dread Disease Strategic Financial Planning

8 Lifestyle Or Standard of Living Earned Income Death Disability Dread Disease Hospitalisation or Long Term Illness Strategic Financial Planning

9 Lifestyle Or Standard of Living Earned Income Death Disability Dread Disease Hospitalisation or Long Term Illness Emergencies/Contingencies Strategic Financial Planning

10 Lifestyle Or Standard of Living Earned Income Death Disability Dread Disease Hospitalisation or Long Term Illness Emergencies/Contingencies Inflation Strategic Financial Planning

11 Lifestyle Or Standard of Living Earned Income Death Disability Dread Disease Hospitalisation or Long Term Illness Emergencies/Contingencies Inflation Tax Strategic Financial Planning

12 Lifestyle Or Standard of Living Earned Income Death Disability Dread Disease Hospitalisation or Long Term Illness Emergencies/Contingencies Inflation Tax Barrier of Savings Strategic Financial Planning

13 Lifestyle Or Standard of Living Earned Income Death Disability Dread Disease Hospitalisation or Long Term Illness Emergencies/Contingencies Inflation Tax Barrier of Savings Savings Strategic Financial Planning

14 Lifestyle Or Standard of Living Earned Income Death Disability Dread Disease Hospitalisation or Long Term Illness Emergencies/Contingencies Inflation Tax Barrier of Savings Savings Risk Cover Strategic Financial Planning

15 Lifestyle Or Standard of Living Earned Income Death Disability Dread Disease Hospitalisation or Long Term Illness Emergencies/Contingencies Inflation Tax Barrier of Savings Savings Risk CoverInvestment Strategic Financial Planning

16 Summary FP = (RC+S) a The task is to resolve the following formula Where: FP = The proposed Financial Plan RC = The amount of Risk Cover needed S = The amount of Savings to be made a = Affordability Personal Financial Planning is about: Understanding through analysis the lifestyle of people and their exposure to risk. Empowering people to fully understand their financial position. Strategising a proposed plan of action to enhance financial security and well being. Implementing the strategy by priority and timetable through affordability. Reviewing the plan on a regular basis to ensure goals and timetables are achieved. Strategic Financial Planning

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