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1 Milwaukee Mathematics Partnership Changes in School Learning Networks from 2006 to 2009 Carl Hanssen Hanssen Consulting, LLC DeAnn Huinker University.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Milwaukee Mathematics Partnership Changes in School Learning Networks from 2006 to 2009 Carl Hanssen Hanssen Consulting, LLC DeAnn Huinker University."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Milwaukee Mathematics Partnership Changes in School Learning Networks from 2006 to 2009 Carl Hanssen Hanssen Consulting, LLC DeAnn Huinker University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee MSP Learning Network Conference Washington, DC January 2010 Based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation Grant No. 0314898.

2 2 Agenda  Context  Questions & Methods  Review Sociograms  Results  Conclusions & Discussion

3 3 MMP Goals  Comprehensive mathematics framework  Distributed leadership  Teacher learning continuum  Student learning continuum

4 4 MMP Status  Funding Year 7 MSP Phase I Award Year 2 MSP Phase II Award Year 2 sustaining funding from the State of Wisconsin for released MTL positions  Important strategic shift—implementation of the released-time MTL Model beginning in the second half of 2007-2008 school year.

5 5 Key Questions  What changes have been observed in school-based learning networks from 2006 to 2009?  How does Social Network Analysis help us understand changes in learning networks?

6 6 Methods  Open SNA survey approach—no fixed list of network members  Key SNA Question: List individuals you have communicated with about mathematics education in the past several months.  Demographics collected for each individual named on the survey

7 7 Analysis  Sociograms: MTL MTS or Teachers Principal Literacy Coach Others in school Others outside  Statistics Total Respondents Total Named Network density In-School density MTL In-Degree MTS In-Degree

8 8 MMP Distributed Leadership Continuum LowHigh 12345 Tight Network MTL Central Many Links to MTL MTS Inside Many Links to MTS Leadership is shared among many Loose Network MTL Not Central Few Links to MTL MTS Outside Few Links to MTS Leadership responsibility of few

9 9 Evolution of Distributed Leadership 1. MTL is active within the school 2. Teachers begin extensive collaboration 3. MTL & Teacher collaboration extends outside school (MTS may become heavily involved in the school) 4. MTL is used primarily as a resource 5. Teachers assume math leadership

10 10 Sociograms Review  Work in groups of 2-3  Evaluate the sociogram-pairs for distributed leadership characteristics (10 minutes)  Make a judgment about learning network changes in that school  Report back

11 11 Pair A

12 12 Pair B

13 13 Pair C

14 14 Summary Results (n=11)

15 15 Summary Results (n=11)

16 16 Summary Results (n=11)

17 17 Conclusions  Introduction of the MTL role has had an impact on changes in school- based learning networks.  The shift to a released-time MTL model is manifested in lower in- school network density but higher MTL importance.  This change has presents an alternative to past perspectives on distributed leadership.

18 18 Alternative: Evolution of Distributed Leadership 1. MTL is active within the school 2. Teachers begin extensive collaboration Teachers increase communication 3. MTL & Teacher collaboration extends outside school 4. MTL is used primarily as a resource MTL becomes focal point for math 5. Teachers assume math leadership Teachers defer to MTL for math leadership

19 19 Next Steps  Continue collected SNA data from 25 case study schools in 2010 and 2011  Examine trends  Look at relationships to other metrics

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