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1 st EGI CTA VT meeting 18 January 2013 C. Vuerli (INAF, Italy), N. Neyroud (CNRS/IN2P3/LAPP, France)

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Presentation on theme: "1 st EGI CTA VT meeting 18 January 2013 C. Vuerli (INAF, Italy), N. Neyroud (CNRS/IN2P3/LAPP, France)"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 st EGI CTA VT meeting 18 January 2013 C. Vuerli (INAF, Italy), N. Neyroud (CNRS/IN2P3/LAPP, France)

2 Purpose of this meeting Revision of the VT roadmap Identification of volunteers to lead the VT tasks Planning activities for tasks 1 and 2 Definition of: – Schedule – F2F meetings and WebEx conferences Administrative aspects (Richard McLennan) Friday 18 January 2013Fisrt EGI CTA Virtual Team meeting2

3 Virtual Teams in EGI Goal – A flexible and dynamic means to rapidly bring together community members – They have a well-defined series of tasks to meet a specific goal to be achieved in a relatively short period of time Focus – Increase the number of EGI users Activity domains a)Marketing & Communication b)Strategic Planning and Policy Support c)Community outreach and events for new users d)Technical outreach and support to new communities Friday 18 January 2013Fisrt EGI CTA Virtual Team meeting3

4 Why a VT for CTA in EGI EGI is interested to collaborate with one of the biggest astronomical ESFRI projects – An important Astronomical Community hooked through CTA CTA can leverage on the EGI ecosystem to find a solution to its challenges Some of the CTA challenges – Procurement of computing resources – Procurement of data storage resources – Easy user-friendly ways to get access and use them Friday 18 January 2013Fisrt EGI CTA Virtual Team meeting4

5 Possible solutions Procurement of computing resources and data storage resources – Distributed computing resources based on different technologies (HPC, HTC, Clouds) could represent a possible solution – This is matter of the CTA computational model under preparation Easy user-friendly ways to get access and use such resources – A SSO authentication and authorization system – Science Gateways The CTA community is wide and trans-national and this implies non trivial issues to solve for the SSO system Friday 18 January 2013Fisrt EGI CTA Virtual Team meeting5

6 Status of the CTA VT VT submitted for approval at the end of November 2012 Approved by EGI in early December 2012 Call for interest (for NGIs) closed at the end of December Start on January 7 th 2013 End on July 7 th 2013 CTA VT mailing list: – Wiki page: – Friday 18 January 2013Fisrt EGI CTA Virtual Team meeting6

7 VT startup phase Preliminary restricted teleconference held on Jan 10 th (Nadine, Gergely, Richard, Claudio) Topics raised from the discussion – The creation of an identity federation is part of the VT activities (task 1) Precondition requested by the SSO authentication system This activity will leverage on the support from NGIs – During the first three months tasks 1 and 2 will run in parallel – Task 1 will span over the whole VT lifetime Essential to involve all potential CTA end users – The users requirements gathering process will start from already existing user requirements documents… …then, missing requirements related to SGs and SSO have to be identified through interactions with the CTA end users community – All people interested to join the VT are requested to register their name on the VT wiki page Friday 18 January 2013Fisrt EGI CTA Virtual Team meeting7

8 Goals of the Virtual Team NTopicTask 1Establish a social network between CTA and EGI through the support teams of the National Grid Infrastructures; Creation of an Identity Federation for the CTA collaboration. Task 1 2Use the social network to gather CTA user requirements concerning: a) Web based scientific gateways operated for the CTA community, making DCI resources and services from the NGIs accessible for CTA members; b) A Single Sign On (SSO) authentication, internationally federated, mechanism that would make web-based scientific gateways accessible for the CTA community. Task 2 3Mapping the identified CTA requirements to solutions that exist within the EGI community and within its partners, such as the NRENs. Task 3 4Document the findings and define a roadmap for implementing, deploying and operating an SSO solution and one or more scientific gateways for the CTA community. Task 4 Friday 18 January 2013Fisrt EGI CTA Virtual Team meeting8

9 Tasks of the Virtual Team Friday 18 January 2013Fisrt EGI CTA Virtual Team meeting9 OutcomeMeans of deliveryTime of delivery (after VT start) Active at months Task Leader Task 1Social network between CTA members and EGI members (from and the NGIs), including the Identity Federation for CTA. D1.1 – The list of CTA – EGI connections are listed on the VT project Wiki page. D1.2 – Information about CTA members is recorded in the EGI CRM system. D1.3 – Identity Federation for the CTA collaboration. 0.5 months (D1.1 and D1.2) 3 months D1.3 M1 – M5 Task 2Documented CTA requirements concerning scientific gateways and an SSO system. D2.1 – Document (approved by the CTA consortium) that is publicly accessible in the EGI Document Database. 3 monthsM1 – M3

10 Tasks of the Virtual Team Friday 18 January 2013Fisrt EGI CTA Virtual Team meeting10 OutcomeMeans of deliveryTime of delivery (after VT start) Active at months Task Leader Task 3Most suitable solutions from EGI and its partners that are capable to address the CTA requirements. Identified gaps in the EGI science gateways and SSO offerings to address CTA requirements. D3.1 – Document (approved by the CTA consortium) that is publicly accessible in the EGI Document Database. 5 monthsM4 – M5 Task 4Final report that proposes a roadmap for CTA and EGI to setup scientific gateways and an SSO solution for the CTA community. D4.1 – Document (approved by the CTA consortium) that is publicly accessible in the EGI Document Database. 6 monthsM6

11 Schedule and meetings Friday 18 January 2013Fisrt EGI CTA Virtual Team meeting11 TJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJ 10182518152218152229512192631017243171421285 M WWWWWFWWWW 1 2 3 4 D4.1D3.1 D1.3 D2.1 D1.1 D1.2 WWebEx conference FF2F meeting

12 Closing Emerging issues and AOB Next meeting – Date : Friday 8 February – Purpose: Task 1 – Progress status of the creation of the VT social network and of the Identity federation for CTA Task 2 – Progress status of the end users gathering process – Actions for the next meeting A1 – Description: – In charge to: A2 – Description: – In charge to: A3 – Description: – In charge to: Friday 18 January 2013Fisrt EGI CTA Virtual Team meeting12

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