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POLITICAL DISSENT Laura De La Rosa. INTRODUCTION Themes 1. Corruption 2. Protest 3. Censorship Works of Art 1. “Small Government,” by Michael D’Antuono,

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Presentation on theme: "POLITICAL DISSENT Laura De La Rosa. INTRODUCTION Themes 1. Corruption 2. Protest 3. Censorship Works of Art 1. “Small Government,” by Michael D’Antuono,"— Presentation transcript:


2 INTRODUCTION Themes 1. Corruption 2. Protest 3. Censorship Works of Art 1. “Small Government,” by Michael D’Antuono, 2012 2. “Fuck The Police,” by N.W.A., 1989 3. “The Lawn Chair,” season 4, ep 14 of Scandal, March 2015 4. “Kui Hua Zi (Sunflower Seeds),” by Ai Weiwei, 2010

3 “SMALL GOVERNMENT,” BY MICHAEL D’ANTUONO, 2012 Corruption When corporations are able to finance politicians during elections, those politicians are then indebted to the corporations. The politicians are unable to pass legislature that opposes corporate interests. Protest The painting itself is an act of protest, calling out the unjust acts of the government. Censorship The voices of citizens are muffled by corporate interests so their needs are not met.

4 “FUCK THE POLICE,” BY N.W.A., 1989 Corruption African Americans in Los Angeles ghettos were targeted and prosecuted for gang associations without proper proof. Protest The song calls for physical violence as a form of protest against corrupt police members who are harming those they had sworn to protect. Censorship African American voices were being censored through fear caused by violent police actions. SdBc&index=1&list=RD51t1OsPSdBc SdBc&index=1&list=RD51t1OsPSdBc

5 “THE LAWN CHAIR,” SEASON 4, EP 14 OF SCANDAL, MARCH 2015 4svDg 4svDg Corruption A white police officer shot an unarmed African American boy, saying the boy was reaching for a weapon. The officer planted a knife underneath the body so that blame would not be placed on him. Protest Protests spring up almost immediately, calling for the truth to come out. The protests get the attention of the media, and later, the attention of the President and Attorney General. Censorship Olivia Pope first tries to shut down the protest because they disrupt the status quo, but later realizes the status quo must be challenged.

6 “KUI HUA ZI (SUNFLOWER SEEDS)” BY AI WEIWEI, 2010 Corruption The Chinese government treats its citizens as a collective that must praise its rulers. Those who speak out against them are treated as less than human. Protest The art, itself a form of protest, calls citizens to demand the Chinese government to respect individuality and differences of opinion. Censorship As an artist, Ai Weiwei has been continually censored for his actions and speech against the Chinese government. In this piece, each seed’s beauty and individuality is censored by the presence of the other seeds.

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