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Taming Cancer by Inducing Immunity via E. coli Presenter: Xu Nanfang Cai Danfeng Chen Yufei.

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Presentation on theme: "Taming Cancer by Inducing Immunity via E. coli Presenter: Xu Nanfang Cai Danfeng Chen Yufei."— Presentation transcript:

1 Taming Cancer by Inducing Immunity via E. coli Presenter: Xu Nanfang Cai Danfeng Chen Yufei

2  First, we need a E.coli that can escape the immune system after infusing into the blood

3 Protect E.coli from Immune System K1:O16 capsule Idea from “bactoblood”, UCBerkeley, iGEM2007

4  polysialic acid is a frequent coating on mammalian cells, the human immune system does not recognize K1 as foreign  Together, these surface modifications allow the bacterium to avoid detection by the immune system and should extend the serum half-life to several hours rather than the less-than-5 minutes observed with rough strains  Both of these gene clusters have been installed into the genome of MC1061 in the course of preparing our chassis strain, MC828U

5 Amazing O 2  First role of O 2: to locate the cancer cells

6  Study shows that where there’s cancer existing, oxygen level is usually significantly lower than other parts of the body.  E. coli is anaerobic

7  Second role of O 2 : to act as a signal for the transcription of a series of factors.

8 a A Density- sensing Oxygen- sensing

9 A K1:O16 hydrolysis inv

10 Petra Dersch and Ralph R.Isberg: A region of the Yersinia pseudotuberculosis invasin protein enhances integrin-mediated uptake into mammalian cells and promotes self-association

11 Suicidal Component  Make sure that E.coli kills oneself after several generations of division

12  Advantages:  1. Dependent on the immune system of oneself  2. Detect cancer at an early stage  3. Cancer-specific  Problems:  1. The efficiency of eliminating capsules  2. In vivo vs. in vitro

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