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ENG III SAT Vocabulary List #3 Students are responsible for the: word, part of speech & definition.

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Presentation on theme: "ENG III SAT Vocabulary List #3 Students are responsible for the: word, part of speech & definition."— Presentation transcript:

1 ENG III SAT Vocabulary List #3 Students are responsible for the: word, part of speech & definition


3 1. Atrocity N An appalling or atrocious condition, quality, or behavior; a monstrosity


5 2.Deter V To turn aside, discourage, or prevent from acting


7 3. Enfranchise V To set free; to admit to the privileges


9 4.Lofty Adj Elevated in character or spirit Pompous, arrogant, haughty


11 5. Abstain V To refrain or hold back from something by one’s choice


13 6. Bilk V To balk or thwart To cheat or swindle


15 7. Multitude N The condition or quality of being numerous a very great number


17 8. Dictate V To determine


19 9. Abrogate V To abolish by formal or official means To annul by authority


21 10. Reprehensible Adj Deserving of reproof, rebuke, or censure Blameworthy


23 11. Obdurate Adj Stubbornly resistant Persistently impenitent (shameless) in action


25 12. Ambiguous Adj Open to or having several possible meanings or interpretations

26 The end… But, don’t forget to study the word, the part of speech & the definition for your next quiz!

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