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The Newly Elected Officials Program “Maximizing Opportunities and Enhancing Resiliency as Platform for Global Competitiveness”

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Presentation on theme: "The Newly Elected Officials Program “Maximizing Opportunities and Enhancing Resiliency as Platform for Global Competitiveness”"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Newly Elected Officials Program “Maximizing Opportunities and Enhancing Resiliency as Platform for Global Competitiveness”

2 The ASEAN Region shall embark on Regional Economic Integration The assumption of new sets of national and local leaders shall bring forth new development directions and priorities LGUs should have a solid grasp of the national government agenda and its relationship to local governance Continuing challenge of Climate Change and Disaster Launching of the Sustainable Development Goals Scaling up of CSO involvement in governance Urbanization Governance Challenges

3 The NEO Program aims to capacitate elected officials that were given the fresh mandate to be able to translate their own vision and agenda for their LGU into a feasible plan that they can implement over the course of their term and to maximize development challenges and opportunities to become globally and regionally competitive. Program Objective

4 COMPONENT 3: LOOKING FORWARD TO BETTER GOVERNANCE COMPONENT 2: JUMPSTARTING LOCAL GOVERNANCE COMPONENT 1: ENSURING SMOOTH TRANSITION COMPONENT 4: SHARPENING THE SAW COMPONENT 5: ENHANCING LGU PERFORMANCE Creation of Transition Teams  Organize Data  Prepare Transition Documents (Plans, Budget, Inventory of Assets etc.)  SGLG Report  Develop briefing Schedules  LGU Scorecard Creation of Transition Teams  Organize Data  Prepare Transition Documents (Plans, Budget, Inventory of Assets etc.)  SGLG Report  Develop briefing Schedules  LGU Scorecard Basic Orientation: First 100 Days in Office – Residential (Peer to Peer Learning) LGU Guide to Action (Webinar Series) LGU Guide to Action (Webinar Series) Decentralization and Governance Duties and Functions Common Pitfalls Strategic Management City Dev’t Strategy Strategic Management City Dev’t Strategy Localizing the Social Contract of the New Administration First 100 Days Agenda Social Contract of the LCE First 100 Days Agenda Social Contract of the LCE Governance Challenges 101 (Modules 1 to 10) Governance Challenges 101 (Modules 1 to 10) Localizing Social Contract on the Ground Formu- lation of LGU Plans Webinar Executive Sessions Alliance Buildin g Formulation of LGU Plans Financing your ELA Crafting of Capacity Dev’t Agenda Specialize d Topics Provincial Alliance Building: Provincial - City/Muni cipality Competency Enhancement Business Friendly and Competitive LGUs Environment Protective, Climate Change Adaptive and Disaster Resilient LGUs Socially Protective LGUs Performance Assessment Conduct of Audits (Balance Score Card, SGLG etc. ) Incentive and Awards (conferment of Seals, LGU Awards for Innovations) Provincial Physical Framework Plan Results Based Monitoring and Evaluation Accountable, Transparent, Participative and Effective Local Governance DILG LGA, Leagues, DILG LGA DILG,LGA, NGAs, LRIs, CSOs DILG DILG, RDCs DILG April – July 2016 May to October 2016 July-October 2016 December 2016 onwards September- October 2016 January 2017 onwards NEWLY ELECTED OFFICIALS PROGRAM Baseline Profile

5 Component 1: Ensuring Smooth Transition 3.Presentation of the State of Good Local Governance will be done to give local officials an idea of the state of governance in the LGU. Turnover 1.A venue which aims to assist incoming local officials ensure smooth transition in their respective LGUs. 2.A transition team in the LGU will be created to organize data, prepare transition documents, develop briefing schedules to facilitate smooth transition in the LGU operations. DILG shall facilitate transition proceedings

6 Component 2: Jumpstarting Local Governance A. Basic Orientation: First 100 Days Decentralization and Governance Duties and Functions (this includes concerns on Police Deputation and Drugs) Common Pitfalls in Governance Dialogue with Peers and select Government Agencies B. LGU Guide to Action Localizing the Social Contract of the New Administration Governance Challenges 101 Strategic Management – City Development Strategy Provides a foundation that will help local officials to understand and think critically about the organizational, political, and constitutional environment of public service especially that in local governments. It is divided into two (2) main parts:

7 Component 2: Jumpstarting Local Governance Local officials will be oriented on the Philippines governance system; discussion on their duties and responsibilities, common pitfalls in LGU management and; the opportunity to have a dialogue with peers It is a peer-based sharing of realistic, practical and innovative ways of doing their job A.Basic Orientation: First 100 Days A venue where elected officials will be groomed as development managers and empowered world class leaders

8 Component 2: Jumpstarting Local Governance This gives newly minted officials opportunity to interface with more seasoned colleagues. This will be delivered thru blended learning mode using face-to-face and actual site visits

9 Component 2: Jumpstarting Local Governance 1.Foundation Modules – New Administration’s Social Contract on the Ground; Strategic Management (City Development Strategy) 2.Elective Modules – Health Governance, Local Economic Development, Education Governance, Regulatory Simplification B. LGU Guide to Action (Webinar Series) The Governance Challenges 101 that is delivered through Webinar Series has 10 modules and is being categorized as:

10 Component 2: Jumpstarting Local Governance B. LGU Guide to Action (Webinar Series) 2. Elective Modules – Health Governance, Environmental Governance, Strategic Management, Public Safety, Resource Mobilization and Financial Management and Analysis, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management, Bridging Leadership and Urban Governance As part of the requirement, participating local officials will be coming up with a plan to localize the social contract of the new administration to their respective communities. This will be co-managed by the Academy and the LGRRCs

11 Component 3: Looking Forward to Better Governance  A venue to prepare development plans of the LGU – CDP, CLUP, the Executive- Legislative Agenda that is based on the challenges confronted by the LGU and a Competency Based CapDev Agenda that will serve as blueprint for capacity enhancement. One on one and on-site management of DILG with individual LGUs  This will immerse local officials on the challenges confronted by the local community in terms of governance, climate change and disaster resiliency, competitiveness and social protection.

12 Component 3: Looking Forward to Better Governance  Series of Executive Sessions on select/specialized topics to be delivered by renowned governance practitioners will be conducted to continuously keep local officials be abreast on the latest trends in governance.  A workshop on Building Alliances between the province and its component cities and municipalities will be held to ensure synergy of actions and define its common development priorities.  Avenue for the province to come up with Provincial Physical Framework Plan that reflects the priorities of component cities and municipalities within the province.

13 Component 4: Sharpening the Saw This part will provide for the training and capacity development interventions mapped out from the LGUs Capacity Development Agenda that is Competency Based. It is market – driven phase of the program where LGUs match their requirements with the existing capacity development services and training packages available.

14 Component 4: Sharpening the Saw It also allows LGUs to negotiate and work in partnership with Local Resource Institutions, NGAs, NGOs and CSOs in the delivery of capacity development services. Focus of interventions are along the areas of Business Friendly and Competitiveness; Environment Protective, Climate Change; Social Protection, Accountable, Transparent, Participative and Effective Local Governance.

15 Component 5: Enhancing LGU Performance The Department will embark on performance management as a mechanism to monitor and evaluate governance at the local level. This component will be composed of LGU Profiling Audits and the conferment of incentives and awards in the form of Seals of the Department.

16 Component 5: Enhancing LGU Performance The metric-centered approach of evaluation and recognition of LGUs, aims to standardize and instill a more disciplined approach in encouraging increased LGU performance. Assessment tools such as Seal of Good House Keeping, Balance Score Card etc. will be used to assess performance of LGUs.

17 Major Inputs per Component Reiteration of the Policy in the Creation of LGU Transition Teams Preparation of ToR of the LGU Transition Team Identitification of prescribed documents Ensuring Smooth Transition Updating of Platform for webinar series Development/updating of materials and other knowledge products for blended learning CapDev Mapping Program Manager's Orientation (LGRRCs) Jump Starting Local Governance Conduct of CapDev Expo cum Workshop on Alliance Building Reiteration of DILG policy guidelines on LGU Plan formulations and crafting of Capacity Development Agenda Looking Forward to Better Governance Accreditation of Service Providers Facilitating Access of Local Governments to Service Providers and Capacity Development Resources Sharpening the Saw Enhancing LGU Performance Monitoring and Evaluation LGU Profiling Incentives and Awards


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