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Welcome PHS Students! PHS Cyber Center 2015 Orientation.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome PHS Students! PHS Cyber Center 2015 Orientation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome PHS Students! PHS Cyber Center 2015 Orientation

2 “I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn't arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I'm going to be happy in it.” -Groucho Marx (1890-1977)

3 Good of the Day What is your good for today?

4 Rules Students should: · Ask for help from your mentor teacher or virtual teacher if blocked, stuck, or have question. · Keep working. · Keep cell phones in your locker. · Keep feet off the furniture. · Keep furniture in place. · Keep food and drinks away from the computers and off the furniture. - Have drinks with a twist top or closed top containers. · Use the designated entrance and exit door.

5 Our Entrance and Exit Door

6 Cyber Center Expectations Students should: · Keep the window blinds down. · Keep your area clean. · Bring your notebook and supplies (Pencil and headset). · Keep the volume down, if you listen to music (via jump drive, i-pod, or MP3 player). · Sit is your progress zone (Green, Yellow, or Red). · Sign out, use the hallway pass, and return it to Mr. Smith. · Sign up for proctored tests, bringing completed study guides and other assignments.

7 Additional Expectations No sleeping No surfing/games Voice level=1, =0 in testing area Check your calendar on your dashboard Use Cyber Center Computers Meet with your mentor weekly Bring your notebook

8 Your Dashboard

9 Progress

10 Number of Overdues

11 Calendar

12 Open Your Course

13 Grade to Date

14 Dashboard Grade

15 Reviewing Your Progress Report

16 Dashboard Actions

17 View Progress Report

18 Reviewing Your Grade

19 Dashboard Messages

20 Sending Your Teacher A Message

21 New Message

22 Select Your Teacher

23 Enter Subject

24 Submit Homework

25 Select Assignment

26 Upload File


28 How to find your syllabus An alternative way to print an assignment Open your Appendix A: Student Resources Click on the Syllabus Click on an assignment link Click Print

29 How to find your syllabus and an alternative way to print an assignment

30 How to print your Key Terms Open your Appendix A: Student Resources Click on the Key Terms Click on the Key Terms side of the window Use Ctrl A (to highlight everything) Use Ctrl C (to copy the terms) Open WORD Right click on the WORD document, Keep Source Formatting (to paste the terms) Use Ctrl P (to print)

31 How to print your Key Terms

32 Saving an Assignment using Word

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