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MA Global Media Management d Thursday 24 th September - Exploring Global Media.

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Presentation on theme: "MA Global Media Management d Thursday 24 th September - Exploring Global Media."— Presentation transcript:

1 MA Global Media Management d Thursday 24 th September - Exploring Global Media

2 ‘Global’, ‘Media’, ‘Management’ The study of global media management will mean different things to each of us

3 Today’s aims 1. Everyone to identify one global media moment/movement that captures their interest in this subject and that they think will be interesting to others. 2. Create your first GMM course blog post (using eFolio) on this.

4 Lecture: 11am-12pm GMM teaching team to share their movement/moments. More on that in few moments, but first the plan for day …

5 Workshop 12-1pm: GMM course technologies and resources Brief follow up on yesterday’s Digital Support session. Focus on eFolio – the blogging software that we’ll use across GMM during the year … and where your ‘moment/movement’ post will go.

6 Lunch: 1-2pm Have a think about your movement/moment Start to set up your eFolio

7 Workshop: 2-3.30pm Small groups to discuss to your movement/moment. GMM team will show you how they made their first posting. Set up your blog and first post!! Mac suites available if needed. By the end, e-mail your link to

8 4-6pm: Film Screening with popcorn ‘What do you get when you ask the people of the world to chronicle a single day in their lives? You get 80,000 submissions, 4500 hours of footage, from 192 countries. Kevin Macdonald has taken this raw material, all shot on July 24, 2010, and created a 90-minute paean to what it means to be human in the world today.’

9 6-7: GMM Social Come to the Rotunda at 6pm to see some of your postings, have a drink/food and further meet each other There is also a fun event in the Café to go to:

10 A global media movement/moment? The movement of cultural texts (watching HBO in Finland) The movement of social media (Arab Spring) The movement of people (like you) for work and study Moments – sending the first e-mail; first e-mail; Facebook buys Instgram. Perhaps these could be personal for you – first time you bought a CD (?!), went to the cinema.

11 Dan The Beatles play Shea Stadium (NYC) 15 th August 1965 (just over 50 years ago!)

12 Seth 23rd June 1991 Sega’s Sonic the Hedgehog released in US for Genesis console (MegaDrive) atch?v=D6yZxuDFGG0

13 Jeremy

14 Uber and the “sharing economy” Protests around the world, from local taxi drivers New Mexico, May ‘15 Paris, June ‘15 London, May ‘15 20 Sept ‘15, Beijing municipality unveils Shouqiyueche, its car-hailing app Mihaela

15 Rohit Global Day of Rage. December 15th, 2013. Entirely executed online Activist/Academic Intervention (1min)

16 Now for smaller groups … Please follow us to seminar rooms at the top of the Graphics Building. On the door to seminars rooms 6-9 is a list/register, find your name and head in. Also lists here for some to hang back and then go straight in.

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