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Action Research By: Ariel Vestri Kindergarten /Special education May 12, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Action Research By: Ariel Vestri Kindergarten /Special education May 12, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Action Research By: Ariel Vestri Kindergarten /Special education May 12, 2014

2 Background Info… Grade Level: Kindergarten Student: J. Age: 5 years Eligibility Category: OHI Reason for selection: This student is currently receiving special education services under the category of OHI. He wears cochlear implants and has had difficulty hearing in the past. His hearing loss has put him significantly behind in the area of alphabetic knowledge. Prior experiences: I spent time working with J. prior to my teacher’s request for me to work with him and it was evident that he struggled with letter name and sound knowledge and needed extra assistance in this area. Meeting with teacher: I met with my cooperating teacher on April 4, 2014 and J was identified as the target student for this action research. During this time she expressed J’s struggle in the area of phonemic awareness and alphabetic knowledge and asked that I work with him in this particular area.

3 Question… Essential Question: What is the most effective method for teaching letter names and sounds to a student with hearing loss? CCSS.ELA-literacy.RF.K.3) Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.

4 Baseline Data Results… J was given the Phonemic Awareness Skills Assessment test: – The results showed that he needed extra attention in the area of alphabetic knowledge (letter names and sounds.)

5 Research/Best Practices… Some of the strategies found to enhance instruction and the teaching of letter names/sounds: Presentation of letters according to the student's needs: Alphabet knowledge Instruction: Research Implications and Practical Strategies for Early Childhood Educators (2013) Multiple distributed instructional cycles: Alphabet knowledge Instruction: Research Implications and Practical Strategies for Early Childhood Educators (2013) Kinesthetic and concept cue cards: Building the Alphabetic Principle in Young Children Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing (2009)

6 Research/Best Practices… Some of the strategies found to enhance instruction and the teaching of letter names/sounds: Increase motivation through games: Teaching Children to Read (2012) Identifying, recognizing, producing letter form: Alphabet knowledge Instruction: Research Implications and Practical Strategies for Early Childhood Educators (2013) Repetition and practice: Alphabet knowledge Instruction: Research Implications and Practical Strategies for Early Childhood Educators (2013) Brief explicit teaching of letter name, sound, written form: Alphabet knowledge Instruction: Research Implications and Practical Strategies for Early Childhood Educators (2013)

7 Strategies… -Presentation of letters according to the student’s needs -Multiple distributed instructional cycles Datelesson April 4, 2014Decided on student and question. April 14, 2014Baseline Assessment April 15, 2014letters L and T April 16, 2014letters P and V April 17, 2014letters G and N April 21, 2014letters J and Q April 22, 2014letters B and D April 23, 2014letters X and Z April 24, 2014Midpoint Assessment April 25, 2014letters A and E April 28, 2014letters I and U April 29, 2014Y and Sh The letter Y and letters x, u, v were focused on for this lesson. April 30, 2014Ch, th, and Wh Review all of the letters learned and beginning to apply that knowledge to manipulating phonemes May 1, 2014Final Assessment

8 Strategies… Kinesthetic and concept cue cards Increase motivation through games You’re on a Roll Tic-tac know sound sort gel with it Sounds Like We Are Reading Identifying, recognizing, producing letter form Letter cards “point to the letter A” “Point to the letter that says, /a/” “What letter is this?” “What sound does this letter make?” Highlighting in text Games Repetition and practice Brief explicit teaching of letter name, sound, written form

9 Strategy Observations… The student was clearly motivated. The midpoint assessment was evidence of student achievement. Midpoint assessment (1): Midpoint assessment (2): Research strategies improved learning. SectionScore Letter IdentificationUppercase: 1/12 ( incorrect/total number) Lowercase: 2/12 (incorrect/total number) Letter NamesUppercase: 1/12 Lowercase: 2/12 Letter SoundsUppercase: 2/12 Lowercase: 1/12 SectionScore Letter IdentificationUppercase: 1/17 ( incorrect/total number) Lowercase: 2/17 (incorrect/total number) Letter NamesUppercase: 2/17 Lowercase: 2/17 Letter SoundsUppercase: 3/17 Lowercase: 3/17

10 Final Data Results… The Phonemic Awareness Skills Assessment test was re- administered:

11 Final Data Results… J clearly improved in the area of alphabetic knowledge:

12 Reflection… Due to the research strategies used, J greatly improved in the area of alphabetic principal. Evidence of this is shown in: – The comparison of his initial and final assessments. – Observed improvement. Action research taught me: – How to compile data and create lessons based on a student’s particular need. – How to adjust intervention based on student learning. – The impact student motivation can have on learning.

13 Works Cited… Bergeron, J., Lederberg, A. R., Easterbrooks, S. R., Miller, E., & Connor, C. (2009). Building the Alphabetic Principle in Young Children Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. Volta Review, 109(2/3), 87-119. Jones, C., Clark, S., & Reutzel, D. D. (2013). Enhancing Alphabet Knowledge Instruction: Research Implications and Practical Strategies for Early Childhood Educators. Early Childhood Education Journal, 41(2), 81-89. doi:10.1007/s10643-012-0534-9 Reutzel, D. R., & Cooter, R. B. (2012). Teaching Children to Read: The Teacher Makes the Difference. Boston: Pearson.

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