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Intestinal Perforation

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Presentation on theme: "Intestinal Perforation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Intestinal Perforation
Scenario 4.2 Intestinal Perforation

2 Chest X-ray

3 Abdominal X-ray


5 Abdominal CT Slice

6 CT Abdomen Radiology Read
STUDY: Abdomen/Pelvis CT FINDINGS: CT obtained with oral contrast. Shows free air throughout the abdomen. No other obvious abnormalities. IMPRESSION: Peritoneal free air – suspected intestinal perforation.

7 CBC WBC 19.6 10 000-30 000/mm3 HGB 13.2 11-15 g/dL HCT 44 40-50% PLT
176 /mm3

8 BMP Glucose 115 65-100 mg/dL BUN 16 5-20 mg/dL Sodium 137
meq/L Potassium 3.8 meq/L Chloride 99 meq/L CO2 33 22-32 meq/L Creatinine 0.9 mg/dL

9 Hepatic Function Panel
AST 17 19-48 U/L ALT 32 17-60 U/L Alk. phos. 53 U/L T. Bili 1.0 mg/dL Albumin 3.8 g/dL GGT 45 12-58 U/L

10 Lactate Lactate 3.4 mmol/L

11 Lipase Lipase 25 21-53 U/L

12 Urine Pregnancy Test Negative

13 Urine microscopy Urine RBC None seen NS/HPF Urine WBC Urine epithelial
cells Urine bacteria /HPF Urine casts NS/LPF

14 Urinalysis Clarity clear Color yellow Glucose negative negative mg/dL
Bilirubin Ketones Sp. grav. 1.020 Blood pH 5.0 Protein Urobilinogen 0.1 0.2 EU/dl Nitrites Leukocytes Urinanalysis

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