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Unit IV Presidential Hats. Chief of State Symbol of a Nation When someone things of the American Government, the president is first to mind Actions: Visits.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit IV Presidential Hats. Chief of State Symbol of a Nation When someone things of the American Government, the president is first to mind Actions: Visits."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit IV Presidential Hats

2 Chief of State Symbol of a Nation When someone things of the American Government, the president is first to mind Actions: Visits other countries to strengthen relations, Attends funeral of foreign leader Aided By: No one

3 Chief Executive Head of Executive Branch and wielder of executive power Carry out & enforce the laws of America Actions: Enforces laws, Directs agencies, Issues Executive Orders Aided By: Department of Justice, Law enforcement agencies (ATF, FBI), Regulatory agencies & commissions (FDIC, FTC, etc)

4 Chief Administrator Runs the Country Related to Chief Executive Massive employer Actions: Appoints government officials, creates & directs commissions, Runs government corporations & agencies Aided By: Most cabinet positions (Ag, HHS, HUD, etc), Most FACS (Social Security, OSHA, FDIC, FTC)

5 Chief Diplomat Carries out foreign policy & relations with other countries Actions: Negotiates treaties, United Nations, Forms alliances (NATO), Appoints ambassadors Aided By: State Department, Ambassadors, Peace Corps

6 Commander in Chief In command of entire US military Actions: Making war, Appointing Joint Chiefs of Staff, Conducting a draft Aided By: Department of Defense, Defense-related organizations (CIA, NSA)

7 Chief Legislator In charge of legislative direction of the nation Can’t propose laws, but can ask Congressperson to Actions: Bring attention to potential issues & laws, Asking Congresspeople to propose laws, Putting pressure on votes Aided By: Congresspeople from own party

8 Chief of Party Leader of their political party Actions: Set party agenda, Suggest party officials, Fundraise for likeminded politicians Aided By: Party chairpersons and other party officials

9 Chief Citizen Representative of the American People When people think of Americans, the President is usually the first to mind Actions: Conducting self in a responsible manner, Shaking hands & kissing babies Aided By: No one

10 Economic Leader Helping to establish a “prosperous America” or “ruin our way of Life” Setting or proposing economic policy, taxation, business development, etc. Actions: Proposing revenue and/or spending to helping economic development Public vs. Private Sector Aided By: Just about everyone, Commerce (BLS), Labor, Energy, Transportation, etc.

11 Judicial Leader Appointing people to U.S. Supreme Court and Federal Courts Setting judicial philosophy for years to come if the U.S. Senate signs off on pick Actions: Bringing cases on behalf of Nation Conservative vs. Liberal Interpretation Aided By: Justice, FBI, U.S. Senate

12 Unit IV So You Want To Run For President?

13 Step 1: Making the Decision Make sure you have a chance to win Losing can be harmful to future political endeavors No one likes a “loser”

14 Step 2: Making the Announcement Tell the world your intentions Make your announcement something that wins votes John Kerry on Daily Show Arnold on Tonight Show

15 Step 3: Fundraise…Like Seriously, Get Money Send out mailers soliciting donations Dinners A correlation between cash & political success? What?

16 Step 4: Get Ready for a Balancing Act Prepare a strategy for the primary election Must be further towards edges to beat others in the same party Prepare a strategy for the general election Must be further towards the center to beat other party’s candidate Have fun with that tightrope

17 Step 5: Iowa Caucus Iowa has the focus of the media First chance to get votes for the primary election Winning the Iowa Caucus provides momentum and early attention Not much of a predictor

18 Step 6: New Hampshire Primary New Hampshire Primary is a bit more of a predictor, but not perfect A pretty good indication of how the election is going to go Winner gets more attention, attention = money, money = success, ad infinitum

19 Step 7: Super Tuesday First Tuesday in February of election year Primaries in lots of states Can win the most votes on this day Choose your states wisely Can’t campaign in them all

20 Step 8: Pick a Vice-President Doesn’t really matter that much MUST have something you are missing If you are moderate, get someone more towards edges If you are young, get someone experienced Etc. Can’t win election, but can lose it if you pick a terrible one

21 Step 9: National Convention Huge party! Celebrate you Might not hurt to take a few potshots at your opponent …Or spend the whole time doing that Superdelegates: Party celebrities who get convention votes and are not bound to vote for anyone in particular (Mostly Dems)

22 Step 10: Debates Message, Message, Message It’s not about policy anymore Who looks better? Who sounds better? Who has better catchphrases and labels for opponent?

23 Step 11: Win! Good luck, don’t screw it up or your failure will be a synonym for when you get Hardinged, Hoovervilled, etc.

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