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Chapter 7. Social Communication- the communication that occurs in your personal and community life Professional Communication- the communication that.

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1 Chapter 7

2 Social Communication- the communication that occurs in your personal and community life Professional Communication- the communication that takes place on the job or is related to a career Protocol- a specific “code or system of conduct” that is followed Chain-of-command- communicating with the correct people in the correct order Courtesy- politeness, manners and respectful consideration of others

3 Appropriate Tone Aggressive Tone- a pushy or brash way of communicating, which considers only one point of view, with little or no room for compromise or discussion Nonassertive Tone- a communication approach that lacks action and energy and appears disinterested and uninvolved Assertive Tone- a direct, yet tactful communication approach

4 People Skills (Getting along with others and communicating appropriately) Making Introductions- Stop what you are doing, Address everyone, State what you are doing, Introduce the others, Ask a question and Work to include everyone. Participating Effectively in Conversations- (dialogue!!!) Conversation Killers- 1.Talking too much. 2. Talking too little. 3. Interrupting others Offering and Receiving Criticism- Constructive Language vs. Destructive Language. Maintain composure, Allow others to finish, Don’t interrupt, Be a good listener, Ask questions (courteously) and Thank the person. Giving Clear and Accurate Directions-ABC’s- ”Always Be” Clear, Complete, Concise and Considerate

5 Language and Dress Informal Language- the casual language used with friends in familiar situations Standard Language- the commonly accepted and expected language used by most social groups as well as professionals; it includes having a varied vocabulary, using correct sentence structure and exhibiting sound grammar skills Technical Language- the language used in specific professional fields, such as jargon that includes “job speak” and technical terms Appropriate Dress- 1. Adapt to the Occasion. 2. Respect the Expectations of your employer. 3. Maintain Professionalism in your choice of clothing. 4. Be neat and well groomed.

6 Respecting Differences Appreciating Age, Gender and Ethnicity- Look on page 190. Women now! Promoting Diversity- 1. Be Open-minded. 2. Be tolerant. 3. Be empathetic.

7 In Review Shaking hands is a sign of respect. Dress like your boss. Don’t dominate a conversation. Grooming is the most important for appropriate dress. People associate the way you talk with the person you are.

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