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Understanding of the World TOPIC: MARVELLOUS ME Recognise the differences between individuals Looking at what we can do Features of Cathedral School Features.

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding of the World TOPIC: MARVELLOUS ME Recognise the differences between individuals Looking at what we can do Features of Cathedral School Features."— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding of the World TOPIC: MARVELLOUS ME Recognise the differences between individuals Looking at what we can do Features of Cathedral School Features of our local community Understanding of the World TOPIC: MARVELLOUS ME Recognise the differences between individuals Looking at what we can do Features of Cathedral School Features of our local community Communication Listening to and following instructions Show and Tell Speaking in full sentences Communication Listening to and following instructions Show and Tell Speaking in full sentences PE & Physical Development Games – using bean bags Gym – Use of space Dance – Nursery Rhymes PE Lessons will be held on WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS. PLEASE ENSURE PE KITS ARE AT SCHOOL ON MONDAY EACH WEEK AND THAT ALL ITEMS ARE NAMED. PE & Physical Development Games – using bean bags Gym – Use of space Dance – Nursery Rhymes PE Lessons will be held on WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS. PLEASE ENSURE PE KITS ARE AT SCHOOL ON MONDAY EACH WEEK AND THAT ALL ITEMS ARE NAMED. Expressive Arts and Design Indoor and Outdoor Role Play Opportunities to create using different materials Building a city from different materials Picasso - Self portrait Eid- Mehndi Patterns Music –learn lots of new songs/sing with confidence Expressive Arts and Design Indoor and Outdoor Role Play Opportunities to create using different materials Building a city from different materials Picasso - Self portrait Eid- Mehndi Patterns Music –learn lots of new songs/sing with confidence RE Topic: What makes us special? Learning about special people from the Bible. Thinking about people who are special to us RE Topic: What makes us special? Learning about special people from the Bible. Thinking about people who are special to us PHSE Building friendships Resolving small conflicts independently UNICEF Rights of a child – creating a class charter Feelings – likes & dislikes PHSE Building friendships Resolving small conflicts independently UNICEF Rights of a child – creating a class charter Feelings – likes & dislikes ICT Introduction to computers – logging on Typing skills Painting and drawing and graphics skills ICT Introduction to computers – logging on Typing skills Painting and drawing and graphics skills Cathedral Primary School AUTUMN 1 2014 Reception Numeracy ONGOING FOCUS: Counting Counting rhymes Counting aloud 0-10 and back Number recognition and formation 1-1 correspondence when counting objects Patterns Numeracy ONGOING FOCUS: Counting Counting rhymes Counting aloud 0-10 and back Number recognition and formation 1-1 correspondence when counting objects Patterns Literacy Focus Book: From Head to Toe Telling Stories using only pictures Correct letter formation and pencil grip Recognising and writing names Rhyming & continuing a rhyming string Phonics: Phase 2 Literacy Focus Book: From Head to Toe Telling Stories using only pictures Correct letter formation and pencil grip Recognising and writing names Rhyming & continuing a rhyming string Phonics: Phase 2

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