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Unit 1 Understanding computer systems: How legal, ethical, safety and security issues affect how computers should be used OCR Cambridge Nationals in ICT.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 1 Understanding computer systems: How legal, ethical, safety and security issues affect how computers should be used OCR Cambridge Nationals in ICT."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 1 Understanding computer systems: How legal, ethical, safety and security issues affect how computers should be used OCR Cambridge Nationals in ICT Level 1/2 © Hodder & Stoughton 20131 Minimising risks to data

2 Unit 1 Understanding computer systems: How legal, ethical, safety and security issues affect how computers should be used OCR Cambridge Nationals in ICT Level 1/2 © Hodder & Stoughton 20132 Online protection Use of anti-virus software The risk to the security of data can be minimised by: Minimising risks to data

3 Unit 1 Understanding computer systems: How legal, ethical, safety and security issues affect how computers should be used OCR Cambridge Nationals in ICT Level 1/2 © Hodder & Stoughton 20133 Most anti-virus software will check any incoming files for viruses and stop the virus infecting a computer system. Regularly using anti- virus software can check a computer system for viruses and remove most viruses. Anti-virus software should be kept updated. Using anti-virus software

4 Unit 1 Understanding computer systems: How legal, ethical, safety and security issues affect how computers should be used OCR Cambridge Nationals in ICT Level 1/2 © Hodder & Stoughton 20134 Data can be protected while online by: using firewalls;firewalls using passwords correctly;passwords correctly checking the security of a website;security of a website being careful of unsolicited emails or messages.unsolicited emails or messages Online protection

5 Unit 1 Understanding computer systems: How legal, ethical, safety and security issues affect how computers should be used OCR Cambridge Nationals in ICT Level 1/2 © Hodder & Stoughton 20135 A firewall can be hardware-based or software-based. Both are designed to create a barrier between a private e.g. company or home network and a public network, e.g. the internet. Firewalls check the incoming and outgoing network traffic against a set of rules to decide whether or not the traffic is allowed to pass. If it is, it will be allowed through the firewall. If it is not allowed, the traffic will be discarded.incoming outgoing Firewall

6 Unit 1 Understanding computer systems: How legal, ethical, safety and security issues affect how computers should be used OCR Cambridge Nationals in ICT Level 1/2 © Hodder & Stoughton 20136 Traffic arrives at firewall from internet Traffic enters the network if it is allowed by the firewall rules Internet Private network Firewall uses set of rules to check whether or not the traffic can pass Traffic is discarded if it is not allowed by rules set in firewall A record is made in a log stored on the company servers Incoming traffic and firewalls

7 Unit 1 Understanding computer systems: How legal, ethical, safety and security issues affect how computers should be used OCR Cambridge Nationals in ICT Level 1/2 © Hodder & Stoughton 20137 Traffic arrives at firewall from company network Traffic allowed to pass by firewall out of network to the internet if it is allowed by rules InternetPrivate network Firewall uses set of rules to check whether or not the traffic can pass Traffic is discarded if it is not allowed by rules set in firewall A record is made in a log stored on the company servers Outgoing traffic and firewalls

8 Unit 1 Understanding computer systems: How legal, ethical, safety and security issues affect how computers should be used OCR Cambridge Nationals in ICT Level 1/2 © Hodder & Stoughton 20138 While it can be difficult to manage and remember different passwords, it is important that different passwords are used for different accounts. If the same password is used, once an unauthorised user finds one password, he can access all the other accounts as well. Passwords should be carefully chosen so that they are not easy to guess but are not too difficult to remember. Help with creating passwords can be found here. Passwords can be checked herePasswords can be checked here. Passwords

9 Unit 1 Understanding computer systems: How legal, ethical, safety and security issues affect how computers should be used OCR Cambridge Nationals in ICT Level 1/2 © Hodder & Stoughton 20139 A secure website will have a padlock shown in the browser and use HTTPS in the URL to show that the data being transferred is encrypted. padlock https Website security

10 Unit 1 Understanding computer systems: How legal, ethical, safety and security issues affect how computers should be used OCR Cambridge Nationals in ICT Level 1/2 © Hodder & Stoughton 201310 Emails should be checked before they are opened and read. Emails from unknown senders and emails that have not been requested (unsolicited emails) may contain viruses. Attachments should be checked with anti-virus software or not opened at all. Sometimes the email message itself may contain malicious code that could be a virus. Hyperlinks in emails should always be checked carefully before being followed, as the website to which the user is directed may also contain viruses or not be a genuine site. Email security

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