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2 Gay Gilbert U.S. Department of Labor Employment & Training Administration Administrator, Office of Unemployment Insurance.

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2 2 Gay Gilbert U.S. Department of Labor Employment & Training Administration Administrator, Office of Unemployment Insurance

3  What about the institute was valuable to you?  “The entire experience was priceless”  “Learning what other states were doing, their laws, and ideas for improvements”  “Everything”  “It forced us to focus on the issue and to dedicate time needed to develop a plan”  “The stimulus to get a cross-functional team together to work important issues in a structured environment and produce and actionable plan” 3

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5 5 Rick Maher President Maher & Maher

6  Institute Structure & Purpose  State Task Force Members, Roles  Overview of Improvement Areas  Data Analysis as Basis of Strategic Plan  Strategic Plan Walk-Through  Resources Available  Calendar / Key Dates / Tracking Progress  State Working Session Expectations  Q & A (post to webinar chat feature)  Next Steps / Closing 6

7  Define Root Causes of Improper Payments (Benefit Year Earnings [BYE], Separation, State-Specific Issues)  Create a strategic plan for every state to address root causes and lower the improper UI payment rate  Generate changes and ideas to prevent and detect improper UI payments (prevention)  Share promising practices and ideas  Cultivate a culture of “Everyone Owns Integrity” 7

8 8 The UI Integrity State Task Force’s mission is to identify a tangible and measureable action plan that will, through process, procedure and other improvements, prevent and detect overpayments in such a way as to materially reduce the overall UI overpayment rate. Further, the State Task Force will identify and recommend changes which will create a common ownership over the improper payments issue for all UI staff – serving to create a culture of common ownership and innovation that will continuously improve performance. Finally, the State Task Force will identify and share root problems and solutions with the USDOL (and therefore with other states) in an effort to help spread the focus on reducing overpayments throughout the UI system and help to replicate best practices throughout the Nation.

9 9 USDOL Project Facilitator State Task Forces State Team State Team Asset State Team Facilitators State Team

10 10  UI Director  BPC Manager  Tax Representative  Call Center or Intake Representative  BAM Representative  Adjudications Representative  Appeals Representative  IT Representative  Training Representative  (Plus Other Ad Hoc Members, as needed)

11 USDOL Stakeholders Gay Gilbert, UI AdministratorUSDOL Dale ZieglerUSDOL Betty CastilloUSDOL Subri RamanUSDOL Stephanie GarciaUSDOL Nancy DeanUSDOL Tom WendellUSDOL Tom CrowleyUSDOL Andy SpisakUSDOL Brad WigginsUSDOL 11

12 12  Benefit Year Earnings (BYE: Return to Work) Issues  Separation Issues  State-Specific issues  Building a culture where “Everyone Owns Integrity”  Communications!

13 13 Dale Ziegler U.S. Department of Labor Employment & Training Administration Deputy Administrator, Office of Unemployment Insurance

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21 21 Please use the Chat Feature to indicate that you have a question.

22 22  Targeted (data-based) Goals  Sample Actions  Sample Milestones  Sample Progress  Sample Status  Communications Plan  Sustainability Plan  (see Samples in UI Integrity “Resources”)

23  Purpose: Help teams assess areas of strength and weakness  For state’s benefit only, not to be shared, evaluated, or judged  Answer objectively - There are no right or wrong answers  Areas with “lower” ratings will help identify areas of opportunity for focus  Use Self-Assessment State Team Consensus Rating Sheet for tabulating scores 23

24 24  Conduct working session(s)  Complete data analysis and isolate causes  Complete State Self Assessment Tool  Frame State’s UI Integrity Strategic Plan  Create Plan Summary PowerPoint Presentation  Identify unanswered questions and leverage resources accordingly  Submit Draft Strategic Plan and Summary PowerPoint Presentation by October 14, and Final Plan by October 28

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26 26 REGISTER NOW!  ALL State team members should register for the UI CoP/Institute Website at NOTE: This is a CLOSED community (not public) - All registrations must be approved by ETA - you will receive an email confirming your registration after approval.

27  Available for team consultations Sept. 19 - Oct. 14  Facilitators will work with team to identify areas where SME assistance is needed, and submit requests for consultations (form to submit requests for SME consultations is on the UI CoP/Integrity website – Facilitation page)  Assistance is also available through the UI CoP/Integrity Institute “Ask the Expert” feature (questions will be monitored and answered regularly) 27

28 28 Topic BAM BPC SIDES BYE Other Cross-Match UI Tax Performance Data


30  09/09/11 – State Team formed  09/14/11 – State Team Facilitator selected  09/16/11 – Team Participation in Kick-Off Webinar  09/16/11 – 09/23/11 - First Team Meeting held  09/30/11 – State Self-Assessment Tool completed  09/30/11 – Initial T/A needs identified  10/07/11 – SME Assistance completed  10/14/11 – Draft State Strategic Plan and Summary PowerPoint Presentation submitted  10/28/11 – Final State Strategic Plan submitted 30

31 31 As of: 09/XX/2011 STATE / TERRITORY A. State Team formed 09/09/2011 B. Facilitator Selected 09/14/2011 C. Participated in Launch 09/15/2011 D. Facilitator Attends Briefing 09/TBD/2011 E. First meeting held 09/23/2011 F. Self-Assessment completed 09/30/2011 G. Initial TA Needs Identified 09/30/2011 H. SME Assistance Completed 10/07/2011 I. Strategic Plan Drafted 10/14/2011 J. Final Strategic Plan Submitted 10/28/2011 COMMENTS AL AK AZ AR CO CT DE DC GA DC etc. Submit State Team Progress Report Forms to Tom Crowley via email at Forms are available for download on the UI CoP/Institute Website, Facilitation page

32  Examine state specific data  Complete UI Integrity State Team Self-Assessment Tool  Decide Subject Matter Expert (SMEs) consultation needs  Schedule state team work time  Begin framing state Strategic Plan  UI Integrity Institute Strategic Plan Template  Samples Tasks from first 11 states  Complete Team schedule to assure State’s Draft Integrity Plan and Summary PowerPoint Presentation is submitted by October 14, 2011 32 NOTE: Facilitators take notes on progress and discussion and share with teams.

33 33 Please use the Chat Feature to indicate that you have a question.

34 1. ALL State team members register for the UI CoP/Institute Website at: 2. State Team Working Sessions (after webinar today & regularly through 10/14/11) 3. State Facilitator Touch-Point Calls with USDOL/ETA Regional Offices (Dates/Times TBD) 4. Access to Resources/Schedule SME consultations through the UI CoP/Integrity Institute Website 34

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36  Killer App = any computer program that is so necessary or desirable that it proves the core value of some larger technology  ETA will award a significant implementation grant to the state judged to submit the most desirable “killer app” for reducing improper payments  Information regarding how and when to submit proposals will be disseminated soon. 36

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