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Marriage, Home, and Family The Methodology of Wise and Godly Parents.

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Presentation on theme: "Marriage, Home, and Family The Methodology of Wise and Godly Parents."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marriage, Home, and Family The Methodology of Wise and Godly Parents

2 Proverbs 29.15 A.The Rod 1.A branch, or offshoot. It’s translated “tribe” 2.A scepter (Gen. 49.10) 3.An instrument of discipline. Lamentations 3.1 B.As Solomon uses it, it is emblematic of parental authority to enforce rules and commandments C.As Solomon uses it, it is an instrument of physical correction

3 What should a parent do with the rod? A.Use it, rather than withhold it 1.Proverbs 23.13-14 2.The word “withhold” has the idea of something that is good or desired a.Proverbs 3.27 b.Proverbs 11.26 c.Proverbs 30.7 3.We can make the argument from the Bible that physical correction is necessary

4 B.Use it with the conviction that its use is right 1.Proverbs 13.24 2.Western culture says, “Refusal to use the rod is reasonable, rational, and an act of love” 3.Scripture says, “refusal to use the rod is an act of contempt toward your child.” The word hate means hatred. 4.“Betimes” means early, or morning: this isn’t some last ditch effort for when all else has failed 5.Teach your children that you expect obedience. a.Which requires a determination that the child will learn this b.And which requires the determination to put the time and effort into it

5 6.Remember—our focus is upon fearing the Lord—to be respected is much more important than being liked 7.Children are not our peers A.Proverbs 22.15. They are more foolish than wise parents are. B.You are the one in charge C.Teaching a child the meaning of obedience is the task of the home

6 C. Use the rod as a means of instruction A.Proverbs 22.15 1.Foolishness has a stronghold in the heart of a child: it is “in league” with the sinful heart 2.The most frequent translation of the word used here is “conspiracy” 3.A lion cub is still a killer—it lacks only size; not nature

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