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Welcome to Seminar Unit 5: Community-based Models of Health and Wellness Robyn Hoban.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Seminar Unit 5: Community-based Models of Health and Wellness Robyn Hoban."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Seminar Unit 5: Community-based Models of Health and Wellness Robyn Hoban

2 Agenda “Truth or Dare” Word Association (defining terms) Discussion Questions global social and economic pressures on the practice of medicine

3 Truth or Dare Read the term and the definition Determine if it is true or false Type in your response as soon as you have it If you are wrong – you will have to answer a dare question.

4 Truth or Dare Autonomy – self-governance, self- sufficiency, self-rule, independence

5 Truth or Dare Humanism – lack of concern for people as to well-being, interests and needs.

6 Truth or Dare Medical Pluralism - coexistence of a variety of different medical traditions within a given context

7 Truth or Dare Global Capitalism – an economic system of supply and demand fulfilled by private enterprise.

8 Truth or Dare Social Stress – The creation of unease, discomfort, and illness created only by discomfort at social gatherings.

9 Truth or Dare Globalization - bureaucratically ordered set of schools, hospitals, clinics, professional associations, companies and regulatory agencies that train practitioners and maintain facilities to conduct biomedical research, to prevent or cure illness and to care for or rehabilitate the chronically ill.

10 Truth or Dare Social Movement Cycles – the American Civil Rights Movement is an example of a social phase reaching a peak in the mid-1960s. The overthrow of socialism is another example of a social movement.

11 Truth or Dare Socio Economic – the combination of social and psychological factors.

12 Applause!!!

13 Word Association Define ‘community health’ Define ‘social implications ’

14 Seminar Question 1 Why does community- based health care work in Bhopal?

15 Seminar Question 2 What is the primary model used in Bhopal to treat symptoms of illness and disease?

16 Seminar Question 3 What are the social implications of Bhopal’s health problems?

17 Seminar Question 4 What are the barriers to implementing a community-based health model in Bhopal?

18 Seminar Question 5 Of all the models of health and wellness you read about, which ones work? Why?

19 Q & A Questions?

20 References BhopalNet. (2007). Community health in Bhopal. Retrieved January 11, 2008 from marchers/factsheets/communityhealth.pdf marchers/factsheets/communityhealth.pdf Microsoft Corporation. (2008). Microsoft clipart. Retrieved January 11, 2007 from Kaplan University. (2007). HW215 course materials. Retrieved from Holtz, C., (2008). Global health care: Issues and Policies. Boston, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers

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