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State of UNeDocs at the end of 14 th UN/CEFACT Forum 2009/05/14JASTPRO 1 Kazumi Hirai Director JASTPRO.

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1 State of UNeDocs at the end of 14 th UN/CEFACT Forum 2009/05/14JASTPRO 1 Kazumi Hirai Director JASTPRO

2 What was addressed in 14 th Forum in Rome  Stakeholder Sessions - more than 40 participants  Background documents: Bureau Progress Report (March 2009) Review Team Executive Summary and Report (April 2009)  Excellent exchange of views – very supportive of UN/CEFACT  Topics First session: Stakeholder Needs Assessment Second session: Deliverables, Tasks and Skills Third: Priorities and Ways Forward 2009/05/14JASTPRO2

3  Within 10 business days after Rome Forum, Bureau to clarify what UNeDocs is and what it is not, and where it fits into the UN/CEFACT framework of standards  A Report will be prepared on the Stakeholder Sessions and will be submitted to the Bureau  Bureau will next decide on a Road Map for moving forward  Bureau is committed to timely achievement of identified deliverables 2009/05/14JASTPRO3 Follow-up to Stakeholder Sessions

4 What is UNeDocs? UN electronic Trade Documents (UNeDocs)  It is a project – currently under Bureau review  It is NOT a standard  It is NOT an official data model  Business Information Masters (BIMs) are NOT standards 2009/05/14JASTPRO4 Reference: Bureau Note on Status of the UNeDocs Project (11 th May 2009)

5 Towards a guideline  Some of the methods used for UNeDocs are being considered for integration within a formal guideline or recommendation of UN/CEFACT  To cover re-use of data along the international supply chain to produce comparable outputs in: Paper documents Electronic messages  To also cover the benefits of the Core Component Library 2009/05/14JASTPRO5

6 The UNeDocs “brand”  Some misunderstandings about the project “brand” being considered synonymous with a smaller or larger part of UN/CEFACT standards and recommendations, e.g. UN Layout Key UN/CEFACT Core Component Library  As misunderstandings still continue, serious consideration being given to re-naming the UNeDocs brand 2009/05/14JASTPRO6

7 2009/05/14JASTPRO7 Project challenges and misunderstandings to be addressed  Different stakeholder expectations  Evolving scope of deliverables  Timely adjustment of documentation  Use of Business Information Masters technique (which is not a UN/CEFACT standard)  Efforts in harmonisation  Steps in the Open Development Process  Information provided through websites  Tools availability  Leadership continuity  Ways to distinguish between official and unofficial statements about what are UN/CEFACT products (e.g. recommendations and standards) and what are developments in progress

8  A Report on Stakeholder Sessions will be submitted to the Bureau  UN/CEFACT experts participated in Stakeholder Sessions and noted many issues raised were already being addressed within UN/CEFACT – setting priorities and coordination now key to future developments  Bureau to propose ways forward, including a Road Map  Bureau committed on working towards timely achievement of stakeholder deliverables  Stakeholders in Rome Sessions also indicated likely funding and support for ways forward  Detailed project planning and coordination to follow – envisage call for project lead and project team 2009/05/14JASTPRO8 Next steps in coming weeks

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