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Organization and Reorganization of Human Societies (c. 600 BCE – c. 600 CE) Time period 2.

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2 Organization and Reorganization of Human Societies (c. 600 BCE – c. 600 CE) Time period 2

3  Key Vocabulary  Aristocracy  Democracy  Dynasty  Geocentric theory  Hellenistic Age  Indo-Europeans  Mystery religion  Pax Romana  Polis  Sati  Silk Roads  Stoicism  Twelve Tables  Zoroastrianism Rise of Classical Civilizations

4  The Zhou  The Qin  The Han Classical China

5  Mandate of heaven  1029 – 258 BCE  Accomplishments of the Zhou The Zhou

6  The Warring States  Accomplishments The Qin

7  Egypt, Syria, Palestine/Persia, and moved into India.  Persian  Hellenistic Age  Middle East  Stoicism  Mystery relgions Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic Age

8  Rome  509 BCE  Punic Wars Classical Civilization in the Mediterranean: Rome

9  Julius Caesar  Octavian  Pax Romana  Public works  Latin Rome Becomes an Empire

10  Senate  Twelve Tables  Self-rule Roman Government

11  Legal principles  Unite Roman Law

12  Patriarchal  Women  Slavery  agriculture Everyday Life in Greece and Rome

13  Maya  Greeks of the Americas  City-states American Civilization

14  You have 5 minutes to complete the practice questions in your packet… Practice questions

15 1.D 2.D 3.C 4.E 5.D 6.A 7.B 8.c The answers are:

16  Key Terms  Animism  Bodhisattvas  Brahmin  Dharma  Edict of Milan  Filial piety  Karma  Moksha  New Testiment  Nirvana  Pope  Reincarnation  Shamanism  Yin and yang Origins of World Belief Systems

17  Objects of nature  Humanlike  Shamanism Polytheism

18  Belief system  Vishnu, Shiva  Reincarnation  Karma  Moksha  Dharma  Caste system Hinduism

19  India  Gautama  Caste system  Nirvana  bodhisattvas Buddhism

20  Philosophy  Government  Eduction  Han  Civil Service examination Confucianism

21  Philosophy  balance Daoism

22  Monotheistic  missionary Judaism

23  Messiah  Jesus  Roman roads  Crucified  313 CE  381 CE  Pope  Social classes Christianity

24  You have 5 minutes to complete the following practice questions. Practice Questions

25 1.E 2.B 3.D 4.E 5.D 6.A 7.B 8.E The answers are:

26  100 CE  Peasants  Confucian  Daoism  Yellow Turbans  Buddhism  Hsinung-nu  220 CE Han China

27  Emperors  Army generals  taxes  Epidemic diseases  Slave labor  Non-Romans  barbarian Rome

28  Latifundias  Diocletian  Byzantium  Huns Attempts to Save the Roman Empire

29  White Huns  Local princes Gupta India

30  Silk Road Trade  Indian Ocean Trade  Trans-Saharan Trade Other Contacts with Classical Civilizations

31  You have 5 minutes to complete the following 8 questions. Review Questions

32 1.D 2.C 3.D 4.C 5.A 6.D 7.B 8.C The Answers are

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