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Imperialism 1.  Stronger nations take over weaker nations  The US will expand its borders=Manifest Destiny  New markets for trade  Raw materials 

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Presentation on theme: "Imperialism 1.  Stronger nations take over weaker nations  The US will expand its borders=Manifest Destiny  New markets for trade  Raw materials "— Presentation transcript:

1 Imperialism 1

2  Stronger nations take over weaker nations  The US will expand its borders=Manifest Destiny  New markets for trade  Raw materials  Need for military bases 2

3 Desire for Military Strength 3  Admiral Alfred Mahan  The Influence of Sea Power Upon History  Build up a strong navy to compete with strong countries  The Great White Fleet

4 Taking New Lands 4  William Seward, Secretary of State  Purchased Alaska from Russia in 1867  Called “Seward’s Icebox”  Alaska provided oil, timber  Becomes a state in 1959

5 US takes Hawaii  Hawaii was a stopping point for American shippers heading to China for trade  Hawaii had sugar plantations, and sold mostly to the US-many owned by Americans  1875- the US agreed to import Hawaiian sugar tax free  Hawaiian sugar production increased drastically 5

6 US Takes Hawaii part 3  In 1891, Queen Liliuokalani rises to power  She changes Hawaiian constitution to allow all citizens to vote (not just land owners-who where mostly American)  This angered the Americans on the island and they organized a revolution against the Queen  The queen was overthrown and the people of Hawaii requested the assistance of the US 6

7 US takes Hawaii continued  McKinley Tariff of 1890 raised tariffs on Hawaiian sugar  Hawaiian sugar planters now faced real competition  In the mean time, the US pressured the Hawaiian government to allow us a military base at Pearl Harbor  Due to financial instability, the people of Hawaii begged for American assistance 7

8 US takes Hawaii part 4  Sanford Dole established a government in Hawaii (similar to that in the US)  Hawaii becomes an American territory in 1898  Hawaii becomes a state in 1959 8

9 Section 2 9

10 Cubans Rebel Against Spain  Spain controlled the Philippines, Guam, Cuba, Puerto Rico  The US was interested in purchasing Cuba, but the Spanish refused to sell  A Cuban rebel named Jose Marti was tired of Spanish rule and led a revolution  Americans began to support this rebellion in hopes of gaining territory 10

11 11  Spain sent Valeriano Weyler to Cuba in hopes of ending the rebellion  He imprisioned Cubans into concentration camps to keep them from fighting  American journalists heard about this and published articles in support of the Cubans

12 Yellow Journalism and the rebellion  Yellow Journalism was created (exaggerated news to enrage readers)  William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer competed for stories in their papers  These stories encouraged Americans to join in the Cuban rebel cause  “You furnish the pictures and I’ll furnish the war” Hearst 12

13 The De Lome Letter  Enrique De Lome, Spanish minister to the US, wrote a letter that was published in the NY Journal  It insulted President McKinley for not taking military action to aid Cuba  Americans were insulted by the Spanish for this man’s behavior 13

14 The USS Maine sinks 14  McKinley ordered for the USS Maine to go to Cuba and bring home any American citizens who were there  On February 15, 1898, the Maine exploded in the Havana harbor  260 men killed  As a result of this, Americans will urge Congress to declare war  “Remember the Maine”

15 The Spanish-American War  McKinley asked Congress to declare war on Spain (April 1898)  George Dewey leads Americans to victory in the Philippines (Manila Bay)  Filipinos led by Emilio Aguinaldo will fight with American forces to overthrow Spanish rule  William Sampson will lead Americans to victory in the Caribbean  Both regions prove US Naval strength 15

16 The War in Cuba  Troops not well prepared and were not properly dressed (wore wool uniforms)  Leonard Wood and Theodore Roosevelt led a volunteer Calvary unit called the Rough Riders  Defeated Spanish at Santiago (near Kettle Hill) and moved on to San Juan Hill  These victories allowed the US to lead infantry attacks, leading to Spanish surrender 16

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18 Treaty of Paris  Signed by the US and Spain  Spain freed Cuba  Guam and Puerto Rico given to the US  Spain sold the Philippines to the US for $20 million 18

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20 Section 3 20

21 US Rule in Puerto Rico  Puerto Rico was under military rule during the Spanish-American War  Congress then passed the Foraker Act to end military rule and established a civil government  Puerto Ricans were later granted citizenship and elect their own legislature 21

22 Cuba and the US  The US recognized the independence of Cuba, yet American troops occupied Cuba after the war  Cuba writes a constitution declaring their independence but doesn’t recognize a relationship with the US  The US urged them to accept the Platt Amendment  US wouldn’t withdraw troops until Platt Amendment was accepted 22

23 Platt Amendment  US can intervene in Cuban affairs  Cuba cannot make treaties that would allow another nation to control them  Cuba cannot go into debt that it cannot pay  US can buy/lease land in Cuba for military bases (Guantanamo Bay)  Cuba becomes an American protectorate 23

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25 Filipinos Rebel  Emilio Aguinaldo, Philippine rebel, wanted independence from US  American troops had imprisoned Filipinos into unsanitary camps (starvation and disease killed many)  Aguinaldo leads a revolt against American troops  US forces will put down rebellion after 3 years of fighting 25

26  US sets up government similar to the one in Puerto Rico  William Taft was appointed as Governor, he worked to rebuild the region and advance it with education and religion 26

27 27

28 Foreign Influence in China  China would provide the US with new markets  Secretary of State John Hay wrote the Open Door Policy requesting that all countries should share trade rights with the US  This allowed the US to trade freely with China 28

29 The Boxer Rebellion  While China was an independent country, many Europeans filled the large cities  Many Chinese wanted to rid the country of “foreign devils”  A secret group called the Boxers led a rebellion against foreigners, missionaries, and Chinese who converted to Christianity  Troops from several countries (including US) joined together to put an end to this rebellion 29

30 Opposition to Expansion  While the US is expanding its territories, not everyone approves  The Anti-Imperialist League formed stating it was wrong for the US to claim and rule lands without the people’s consent  Jane Addams, Andrew Carnegie, Mark Twain, Pres. Cleveland 30

31 Section 4 31

32 Teddy Roosevelt and the World  Peacemaker: TR will negotiate the end of the Russo-Japanese War. He wins a Nobel Peace Prize  Panama Canal: we needed a canal across Central American to better trade. TR purchased the canal for $10 million plus annual rent of $250,000 32

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34 Roosevelt Corollary  Latin American nations borrowed millions from European banks  TR worried that if they didn’t repay loans, that war could break out in the Western Hemisphere  TR reminded Europe about the Monroe Doctrine (Europe must stay out of Latin American affairs)  He added that the US would be the police force of Latin America 34

35 Wilson’s Missionary Diplomacy  The US had the moral obligation to deny recognition to any Latin American government that we viewed oppressive, undemocratic, or hostile  Wilson will pressure countries to establish democracies 35

36 Mexican Revolution  Mexico had been under military rule, yet they were friendly with the US  The dictator, Diaz, was overthrown by Francisco Madero (who led peasants and workers). Sadly, Madero was murdered by General Victoriano Huerta who established an unfair government in Mexico  The US will intervene with troops and eventually Huerta will fall 36

37  Victor Carranza rises to power and established a government that would be recognized by the US  However, rebels under the command of Pancho Villa and Emiliano Zapata will try and defeat Carranza and his government  The US would not aid the rebels, the rebels attacked a US city 37

38  American forces led by John J. Pershing will search for Villa and his men  Carranza demanded the US troops to withdraw, Wilson refused  Both sides will come to a cease-fire a year later  Wilson must prepare for war in Europe while Carranza will rule oppressively for 3 more years 38

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