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Jefferson City Public Schools Jefferson City, Missouri.

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1 Jefferson City Public Schools Jefferson City, Missouri

2  C = Cry or cuss  H = Heave or hurl  A = Anger  N = Negotiate  G = Go  E = Engage

3  Discussions began in 2010  Site visits – Texas, Indiana, Kansas  Decision to move forward – 2011  First class 2014- 2015 school year

4 Freshmen Transition CampSophomore Transition Camp  Simonsen 9 th Grade Center  9 th grade – 650 students  Jefferson City High School  10-12 grades 1800 students

5  Seven Academies


7  1. 1: World  *Started with 9 th grade.  *Two years in.  *Continual staff training; by staff.  *Student help desk.

8  Introductory Courses

9  Tier 2 Lessons


11  Small Learning Community

12  Business Partners



15  Academies  Blended Learning with Technology  Tier 2 Lessons – Relevance  Intro Courses – Rigor and Relevance  Small Learning Communities – Relationships  Business Partners - Relationships




19  C = Cry or cuss  H = Heave or hurl  A = Anger  N = Negotiate  G = Go  E = Engage

20  “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” Benjamin Franklin

21  “The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles, but to irrigate deserts.” C.S. Lewis

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