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1 Georgia Tech, IIC, GVU, 2006 MAGIC Lab Rossignac.

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1 1 Georgia Tech, IIC, GVU, 2006 MAGIC Lab Rossignac

2 2 Georgia Tech, IIC, GVU, 2006 MAGIC Lab Rossignac Lecture 15: COMPUTATIONAL GEOEMTRY: Delaunay triangulations Jarek Rossignac CS1050: Understanding and Constructing Proofs Spring 2006

3 3 Georgia Tech, IIC, GVU, 2006 MAGIC Lab Rossignac Lecture Objectives Learn the definitions of Delaunay triangulation and Voronoi diagram Develop algorithms for computing them

4 4 Georgia Tech, IIC, GVU, 2006 MAGIC Lab Rossignac Find the place furthest from nuclear plants Find the point in the disk that is the furthest from all blue dots

5 5 Georgia Tech, IIC, GVU, 2006 MAGIC Lab Rossignac The best place is … The green dot. Find an algorithm for computing it. Teams of 2.

6 6 Georgia Tech, IIC, GVU, 2006 MAGIC Lab Rossignac Center of largest disk that fits between points

7 7 Georgia Tech, IIC, GVU, 2006 MAGIC Lab Rossignac Algorithm for best place to live max=0; foreach triplets of sites A, B, C { (O,r) = circle circumscribing triangle (A,B,C) found = false; foreach other vertex D {if (||OD||<r) {found=true;};}; if (!found) {if (r>max) {bestO=O; max=r;}; } return (O); Complexity?

8 8 Georgia Tech, IIC, GVU, 2006 MAGIC Lab Rossignac pt centerCC (pt A, pt B, pt C) { // circumcenter to triangle (A,B,C) vec AB = A.vecTo(B); float ab2 = dot(AB,AB); vec AC = A.vecTo(C); AC.left(); float ac2 = dot(AC,AC); float d = 2*dot(AB,AC); AB.left(); AB.back(); AB.mul(ac2); AC.mul(ab2); AB.add(AC); AB.div(d); pt X = A.makeCopy(); X.addVec(AB); return(X); }; Circumcenter A B C AC AB AB.left AC.left X 2AB  AX=AB  AB 2AC  AX=AC  AC

9 9 Georgia Tech, IIC, GVU, 2006 MAGIC Lab Rossignac Delaunay triangles 3 sites form a Delaunay triangle if their circumscribing circle does not contain any other site.

10 10 Georgia Tech, IIC, GVU, 2006 MAGIC Lab Rossignac Inserting points one-by-one

11 11 Georgia Tech, IIC, GVU, 2006 MAGIC Lab Rossignac The best place is a Delaunay circumcenter Center of the largest Delaunay circle (stay in convex hull of cites)

12 12 Georgia Tech, IIC, GVU, 2006 MAGIC Lab Rossignac Assigned Project Implement Delaunay triangulation –I provide graphics, GUI, circumcenter –You provide loops and point-in-circle test Report time cost as a function of input size

13 13 Georgia Tech, IIC, GVU, 2006 MAGIC Lab Rossignac Applications of Delaunay triangulations Find the best place to build your home Finite element meshing for analysis: nice meshes Triangulate samples for graphics

14 14 Georgia Tech, IIC, GVU, 2006 MAGIC Lab Rossignac School districts and Voronoi regions Each school should serve people for which it is the closest school. Same for the post offices. Given a set of schools, find the Voronoi region that it should serve. Voronoi region of a site = points closest to it than to other sites

15 15 Georgia Tech, IIC, GVU, 2006 MAGIC Lab Rossignac Voronoi diagram = dual of Delaunay

16 16 Georgia Tech, IIC, GVU, 2006 MAGIC Lab Rossignac Assigned Reading

17 17 Georgia Tech, IIC, GVU, 2006 MAGIC Lab Rossignac Assigned Homework Definition and algorithms for computing Delaunay triangulation Duality with Voronoi diagram

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