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Chemistry matter changesmatter matter changesmatter Study of matter and the changes that matter undergoesmatter changesmatter Structure Properties Composition.

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Presentation on theme: "Chemistry matter changesmatter matter changesmatter Study of matter and the changes that matter undergoesmatter changesmatter Structure Properties Composition."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chemistry matter changesmatter matter changesmatter Study of matter and the changes that matter undergoesmatter changesmatter Structure Properties Composition

2 Matter mass massAnything that has mass and occupies space.mass –Endless variety of shapes, forms, and colors.

3 Mass Measure of the quantity of matter. A balance is used to determine mass - grams.

4 Structure Physical arrangement of its particles. i.e. – Atoms or Molecules Some are organized Some are random How something is put together?

5 Properties Physical withoutCharacteristics of matter without changing the composition Density, color, melting/freezing points, physical state – Solid, Liquid, or Gas Chemical withCharacteristic of matter with changing the composition Chemical reaction, iron rusting, burning anything, copper turning green

6 Composition Identity and amount of the components of matter i.e. – H 2 O = Water has 2 Hydrogen and 1 Oxygen What something is made up of?

7 4 States of Matter SolidSolidSolid LiquidLiquidLiquid Plasma GasGasGas

8 Solid Definite Shape Definite Volume Particles do not move freely

9 Liquid No Definite Shape Definite Volume Particles have some freedom to move about

10 Gas No Definite Shape No Definite Volume Particles have a lot of freedom to move about

11 Plasma Electrically Charged Particles He or H Superheated Stars

12 Transformations Changes from one state of matter to another Energy is needed for these transformations to take place Heat is that energyHeat is that energyHeat is that energyHeat is that energy Follows a Transformation CycleTransformation Cycle

13 Heat Energy S + Heat = L L + Heat = G What does the heat do to the molecules? Makes them move faster The Heat is stored in these two examples as ‘Latent’ or ‘Invisible’ Heat that is released to reverse the transformation

14 Transformation Cycle Each part of the Cycle is a Process SGL MeltingEvaporation FreezingCondensation Sublimation Deposition

15 SLG Project You are now ready to begin your SLG Project This will happen next week! The End

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