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College Events. My life as a college student Colleg e Events Become a better you by getting information that is available to you. There are classes you.

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Presentation on theme: "College Events. My life as a college student Colleg e Events Become a better you by getting information that is available to you. There are classes you."— Presentation transcript:

1 College Events

2 My life as a college student Colleg e Events Become a better you by getting information that is available to you. There are classes you can take to relieve stress like Tai Chi Level I (HPL 1880-2) or even a yoga class. There are also resources available to students who are having problems dealing with stress. You can visit the counseling center to find out the different types of one on one or group counseling. Visit their homepage at The counseling center is available for free so take advantage of what they have to

3 My life as a college student Be all you can be. Did you know you can become a better at any career you decide to choose? Find out more by attending a leadership workshop, which is provided for free for students like us. Also find out how to take a break during semester break and travel for free. Student Activities Colleg e Events

4 My life as a college student Colleg e Events Find out what your major is before you graduate. Explore your option of different careers that are available. Have employers pick you as there candidate, while you are still in school. There are also counselors available Monday thru Friday at Career Service, room 215 in the Tivoli Bldg. We offer resume workshops, image management, graduate workshops, interviewing skills, and much more. Stop by our office or go online at to find out about our services.

5 My life as a college student News and Politics Find out about updated information happening in our world today. Also learn about our future candidates for president. Who do you choose to run for the next four years and do some research before you vote. Check the information below and leave a comment if you like. Students vote count too!!! John McCain NewsBarack Obama News

6 My life as a college student Contact Me College Events Leave me a comment or post a question. Bonnie Skulark Career Service

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