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Portland Comparing the Public Image of A City. Portland New York (Midtown Manhattan) Grid patterns can affect someone’s mental map just as much as any.

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Presentation on theme: "Portland Comparing the Public Image of A City. Portland New York (Midtown Manhattan) Grid patterns can affect someone’s mental map just as much as any."— Presentation transcript:

1 Portland Comparing the Public Image of A City

2 Portland New York (Midtown Manhattan) Grid patterns can affect someone’s mental map just as much as any other aspect. Rectilinear blocks create linear movement a tendency for direction oriented mental maps.

3 Portland Paris A more chaotic city plan can create a different atmosphere. Circulation differences lend themselves to different uses. For Example, slower movement is better for shoppers.

4 Portland San Francisco Breaks in the pattern of the paths can create nodes, or landmarks. Giving one street more importance than another. This effect can give a frame of reference to the observer. Even if it wasn’t planned, but merely shaped by the landscape.

5 PortlandVenice Means of transportation, or main arteries of travel can also affect the way a city is viewed.

6 PortlandBarcelona

7 NW 23 rd Street, PortlandBroadway Street, Eugene The layout of street proportions is a key aspect in determining the atmosphere a street creates. Lining a street with building not proportionate to the scale of the street can have undesirable effects on the overall success of the street.

8 NW 23 rd Street, Portland Ringstrasse, Vienna Enclosure sends a different message than openness.

9 NW 23 rd Street, Portland Via Cola di Rienzo, Rome Uniform building height can create a tunneling effect and speed up the observer.

10 NW 23 rd Street, Portland Achterburgwal Looiersgracht Amsterdam The similarities of a street to a canal, such as in Amsterdam, is an interesting analogy. The separation and connection is simultaneous. Designated crossings guide the pedestrian.

11 NW 23 rd Street, PortlandCentral Park, New York Trees play a big part in making a street feel protected or maybe just less urban.

12 NW 23 rd Street, PortlandAvenue Montaigne, Paris

13 NW 23 rd Street, Portland The Ramblas, Barcelona Movement along sidewalks and street level entrances interact with the pedestrian.

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