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The Russian Revolution and the End of World War I.

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Presentation on theme: "The Russian Revolution and the End of World War I."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Russian Revolution and the End of World War I

2 Fall of the Czar War - huge burden on Russia Czar Nicholas II (Romanov) Alexandra – influenced by Rasputin Riots, demonstrations Rasputin assassinated 1917 – Nicholas II abdicates his throne (steps down) –Ends 300 year Romanov dynasty

3 The Provisional Government Provisional government created – Alexander Kerensky Continues war Soviets – councils of workers and soldiers Duma - legislature

4 Lenin Lenin leads Bolsheviks (Communists) Enemy of tsarist Russia, exiled (why?) Germans helped him return in 1917 to lead Bolsheviks Promised to take Russia out of the war

5 The Bolshevik Revolution Bolsheviks overthrow government, 1917 Signed Treaty of Brest-Litovsk; Russia withdraws from war; loses lots of territory Set-up Communist nation –No private property –Goal - spread communism

6 Civil War Reds – Communists (Lenin and Trotsky) Whites – wanted to get rid of Communists (supported by allied powers) Three years of fighting destroys nation Red army led by Trotsky well organized, disciplined White army disorganized, mixture of various groups (including US)

7 Civil War The Terror –Lenin uses “war communism” –1918 – killed czar and his family –Cheka arrested anyone accused of being an “enemy of the revolution” –Restricted religion By 1921, Lenin had entire country under Communist control Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.)

8 Ending of World War I 1917-1918 – Russia withdrew at the same time as the U.S. enters –Provided supplies and men –Convoy system in Atlantic Changes tide of war Armistice signed November 11, 1918 Austria-Hungary broken into independent republics

9 Peace Settlement Woodrow Wilson’s peace plan: Fourteen Points 14 th point – League of Nations No alliances, reduction of armaments, self- determination of nations Saw new world order based on democracy and international cooperation Very different mood at the peace table…..

10 Versailles 1919 (France) “Big Four” –Lloyd George (GB) –Clemenceau (France) –Wilson (US) –Orlando (Italy) France wanted revenge; crush Germany, remove threat forever, payments

11 The Treaty Harsh treatment of Germany “War Guilt” clause – had to accept blame for war Reparations ($ compensation) for the war ($56 billion) Reduce army to 100,000, reduce navy, no air force Demilitarized or “buffer” zone created

12 The Treaty League of Nations created – peacekeeping organization New nations out of old empires (Germany, Austria, etc.) Finland, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Austria, Hungary, Yugoslavia U.S. fails to join League – weakens it U.S. and G.B. withdraw from Europe leaving France to stand alone; tensions, revenge WWII is only 20 years away!

13 Allied Powers Russian Empire12,000,0001,700,0004,950,0002,500,00076 France8,410,0001,357,8004,266,000537,00073 British Empire8,904,500908,4002,090,200191,70036 Italy5,615,000650,000947,000600,00039 United States4,355,000126,000234,3004,5008 Romania750,000335,700120,00080,00071 Serbia707,30045,000133,100153,00047 Belgium267,00013,70044,70034,70035 Greece230,0005,00021,0001,00012 Portugal100,0007,00013,80012,30033 Montenegro50,0003,00010,0007,00040 Central Powers Germany11,000,0001,773,7004,216,1001,152,80065 Austria-Hungary7,800,0001,200,0003,620,0002,200,00090 Ottoman Empire2,850,000325,000400,000250,00034 Bulgaria1,200,00087,500152,40027,00022 CountryMen MobilizedDeadInjuredMissing/Prisone rs %


15 Effects of the War Post flu epidemic kills millions Economic opportunities for women and African Americans Inflation and economic problems for Europe

16 Effects of WWI cont. German, Russian monarchies toppled Ottoman & Austria-Hungarian empires gone GB and France emerge victorious but politically & economically weakened U.S. emerges strong & prosperous

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