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Amplifier An amplifier increases the strength of an electrical signal. Symbol: Type:analogue process device Amplifiers are used in: 1.radios and TV’s 2.intercoms.

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Presentation on theme: "Amplifier An amplifier increases the strength of an electrical signal. Symbol: Type:analogue process device Amplifiers are used in: 1.radios and TV’s 2.intercoms."— Presentation transcript:

1 Amplifier An amplifier increases the strength of an electrical signal. Symbol: Type:analogue process device Amplifiers are used in: 1.radios and TV’s 2.intercoms alarms Amplifiers increase the amplitude of the electrical signal. FREQUENCY is NOT CHANGED.

2 Voltage Gain ViVi VoVo LARGER AMPLITUDE FREQUENCY stays the SAME input signal output signal

3 The size of the voltage gain is given by: x ÷ VoVo V gain ViVi QuantityUnit Output Voltage ( V o ) Voltage Gain ( V gain ) Input Voltage ( V i ) Volts ( V ) NO UNIT Volts ( V ) The voltage gain of an amplifier is the number that the input voltage is multiplied by to give the output voltage.

4 Example 1 An amplifier turns a 20 mV signal into 300 mV signal. Calculate the voltage gain of the amplifier. ** NO UNIT **

5 Example 2 An amplifier with a voltage gain of 80 is supplied with an input voltage of 7 mV. Calculate the output voltage.

6 Power Gain The power gain of an amplifier is given by: x ÷ PoPo P gain PiPi QuantityUnit Output Power ( P o ) Power Gain ( P gain ) Input Power ( P i ) Watts ( W ) NO UNIT Watts ( W )

7 There are also 3 formulae for electrical power we met in the topic “Using Electricity” x ÷ P I V x ÷ P I2I2 R x ÷ V2V2 P R

8 Example 1 An amplifier has an output power of 50 W. The input voltage is 12 V and the input resistance is 1 kΩ. Calculate:(a)the input power (b)the power gain. (CREDIT) (a)

9 (b) ** NO UNIT **

10 Yellow Book Page 56 Analogue Processes – Q63 Voltage Gain –Q67, Q70 Page 57 Power, Voltage, Resistance – Q72, Q73 Power Gain – Q76

11 Yellow Book Mixed Problems on Amplifiers Q80, Q84, Q86, Q88

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