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Palmer SEC: 56 + 58 pt.1 Essential Question: What were the causes of July 1830 and February 1848 Revolutions in France?

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Presentation on theme: "Palmer SEC: 56 + 58 pt.1 Essential Question: What were the causes of July 1830 and February 1848 Revolutions in France?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Palmer SEC: 56 + 58 pt.1 Essential Question: What were the causes of July 1830 and February 1848 Revolutions in France?

2  Charles X became king in 1824  In 1830 Charles X issued the July Ordinances 1.Dissolved the newly elected Chamber before it met 2.Imposed censorship on the press 3.Reduced suffrage for bankers, merchants and industrialists. 4.Called for a new election on these terms.  July Revolution July 27 th -29 th 1830  Workers, students, and intelligentsia with support from the bourgeois rebelled against the Charles the X.  Fearful of being captured by the revolution Charles X abdicated and fled to England.  On August 7 th Duke of Orleans is given the throne on the condition he observe the constitutional charter of 1814 he reigned as Louis Philippe

3 * The February Revolution 1848 * February 21 st King prevents reformers from meeting * Riots breakout in Paris * February 24 th King Abdicates the throne. * Provisional Government is Established * Made up of 10 Members * 7 were republicans, 3 were socialists * Labor Commission and National Workshops were established * They were never successful they were just a concession to the socialists. * Constitutional Assembly elected in April * A new temporary executive board replaced the Provisional Government it had no socialists.

4 * June Days of 1848 * Causes * National Workshops gathered in Paris to oppose the Constitutional Assembly * May 15 th they drove the Constitutional Assembly out and declared it dissolved * National Guard turned against the insurgents and restored the Constitutional Assembly * Constitutional Assembly attempted to root out all socialists * Tried to dissolve National Workshops * Paris Rebelled * Declared Martial Law

5 * June Days of 1848 * General Cavaignac and the regular Army took control * June 24 th -26 th class war broke out * 20,000 men from workshops took arms * Bloody Fighting took place in the streets * After 3 days the military had taken control * 10,000 persons had been killed or wounded * 11,000 insurgents were taken prisoner and deported.

6 Palmer SEC: 58 pt.2 Essential Question: How did Napoleon III consolidate power?

7 * Louis Bonaparte * Born 1808 his uncle was Napoleon * His father had been King of Holland. * He wanted to recreate the empire * 1836 and 1840 he attempted to lead revolts both failed and he was arrested * 1846 he escaped from prison * He was seen as a man of the people and a supporter of order

8 * Bonaparte’s rise to power * After the June Days Cavaignac had become a virtual dictator * Assembly set out to draft a constitution * Wanted a strong executive branch due to all of the unrest * Choose to elect a president before constitution was finished * Bonaparte won the election in a landslide * He was the only name many recognized * Elimination of Socialists * May 1849 Constitutional Assembly was replaced by Legislative Assembly * 2/3 of the reps were Monarchists but they were divided * 1/3 were republicans but some were social republicans * June 1849 there was another socialist uprising in Paris * This was used to eliminate Socialists * 1850 vote was restricted/Press was restricted * 1850 Falloux Law put schools under the supervision of the government

9 * How was Bonaparte able to consolidate power Monarchist were too divided to threaten Bonaparte. Bonaparte had to win radicals Pushed for universal male suffrage in 1851 December 2, 1851 Dissolved Assembly The people of Paris tried to resist but were repressed December 20 th Bonaparte elected president for 10 years. A year later he proclaimed the Second French Empire and himself emperor Napoleon III

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