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Pronunciation Class OSSDS Lessons with Joe Perry.

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1 Pronunciation Class OSSDS Lessons with Joe Perry

2 Introduction Joe Perry 桑迪潘英语明星外教,教学总监 学员公认的雅思男神!拥有英 国斯特灵大学硕士学位, TEFL 教 师资格证书。主讲雅思口语及写 作。雅思授课经验非常丰富,讲 解清晰明确,富有亲和力,循循 善诱,善于提出问题引导学员提 升英语水平。风趣,博学,而又 有亲和力,对英语教学有自己独 到的见解,深受学生欢迎。现担 任桑迪潘英语教学总监。上过 Joe 的课的学生,提分率高达 98% 以 上。

3 Contents 1. News story 2. Phonetics 3. News story 4. Tongue twisters

4 BBC News In 2009 the world's largest toy maker, US firm Mattel, set its sights firmly on the Chinese market, opening a flagship store in Shanghai. Created in 1959, Barbie is today sold in 150 countries and has won the hearts and minds of little girls as far afield as Mumbai and Buenos Aires. She has thrived almost everywhere, despite regular criticism from feminist groups who have decried her influence on young girls' body image and ambitions. But it is in China, arguably the most important consumer market in the world, where the all- conquering doll has stumbled. The Shanghai Barbie store closed in 2011, just two years after its grand opening.

5 Vowel (元音) /æ/// CapCup Where’s my cap?Where’s my cup? HatHut There’s a hat in the gardenThere’s a hut in the garden TrackTruck See the tracks on the roadSee the trucks on the road Ban Bun There’s a ban on itThere’s a bun on it BagBug She’s got a bagShe’s got a bug AnkleUncle My ankle was injuredMy uncle was injured

6 Vowel (元音) /I//e/ PinPen I need a pinI need a pen BinBen I need a binThat’s my ben TinTen It’s a big tinIt’s a big ten PigPeg Where‘s the pig?Where’s the peg BillBell There’s the billThere’s the bell ChickCheque She wants a chickShe wants the cheque

7 BBC News More than one million vinyl records have been sold in the UK so far this year - the first time the milestone has been achieved since. Earlier this month, Pink Floyd's The Endless River became the fastest-selling vinyl release since 1997. The Official Chart Company told the BBC it will soon launch a weekly vinyl chart. "In an era when we're all talking about digital music, the fact that these beautiful physical artefacts are still as popular as they are is fantastic," said Martin Talbot, managing director of the Official Charts Company. Speaking to BBC Radio 5 live's Wake Up To Money, he said: "Only five years ago this business was worth around £3m a year. This year it's going to be worth £20m."

8 Tongue Twisters (绕口令) All I want is a proper cup of coffee Made in a proper copper coffee pot You can believe it or not But I just want a cup of coffee in a proper coffee pot Tin coffee pots or iron coffee pots are no use to me (Thank you Jessica for this tongue twister)

9 Join us (加入我们) : 老师个人部落: CC 群: 81501864 把你想挑战的英文绕口令帖到群里,下节课的绕口 令可能就是你的哦!

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