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 Defining Campaigning ◦ Campaign Materials ◦ Campaign Conduct  Expenses  Complaints  Violations  Appeals  Voting Overview of the Elections Rules:

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2  Defining Campaigning ◦ Campaign Materials ◦ Campaign Conduct  Expenses  Complaints  Violations  Appeals  Voting Overview of the Elections Rules:

3  Campaigning shall be defined as actions that promote the election or defeat of a candidate.  Further interpretation shall be left to the Elections Committee and the Chief Justice.  Campaigning Conduct shall apply to both active and passive campaigning. Campaigning

4 Active campaigning is that which advocates for a particular candidate through physical actions or direct human manipulation of resources. This includes, but is not limited to:  Passing out or the act of posting campaign materials.  Authorized vocalization of campaign slogans or verbal solicitation of support for a candidate in approved venues.  Delivery of campaign related speeches and talks. Active Campaigning

5  Passive Campaigning shall be defined as that which advocates for a particular candidate through indirect actions or indirect human manipulation of resources. This includes, but is not limited to:  Wearing or displaying in static locations campaign related paraphernalia.  Posters hanging in approved locations.  Submission of campaign literature for publication in print or electronic mediums. Passive Campaigning

6  Don’t cover up, removed, or relocate any other person’s posters or materials that don’t belong to you  No putting posters on light or power poles, traffic signal poles, traffic signs, trees  No posters in the computer labs  No leafleting : on cars, of Temple University buildings or property Campaign Material Don’ts

7  No leaving campaign materials on desks, chairs, or tables that are prohibited- including but not limited to classrooms, libraries, bathrooms, athletic facilities, Student Center, and computer labs.  No use of Temple Student Government or Temple University copy right privileges  No chalking  No utilizing campaign materials until set campaign period have begun, as set by Elections Commissioner.  Do not make posters smaller than 8 ½ x 11 inches More Campaign Material Don’ts

8  Supply one copy of each poster to Elections Commissioner 48 hours before posting It  TSG ticket can post a maximum or 250 signs or posters.  Campaign at Temple’s sporting events, intramurals, or club sport tournaments on campus, with permission of the Elections Commission  Use social media, but its existence must be brought to the attention of the Election Commission who will periodically check for violations of negative campaigning of candidate, supporters, or other affiliates in any form. Campaign Material Do’s

9  No campaigning prior to commencement date set by Elections Commissioner  No campaigning materials of any kind may enter the Temple Student Government prior to or during the election period  No campaigning in the classroom  No accepting donations from any Temple University organization  No using program, service, resources, or Student organization for the purpose of any campaign- for example use of computers, printers, paper, phones, copy machine, or other activities associated with one’s campaign. Campaign Conduct Don’ts

10  No mass emailing- emails must be addressed to specific individuals with first and last name/ and or to specific clubs or organizations in the body paragraph of the email.  No Campaigning web pages can have direct links to any official Temple University website  No amplification equipment for campaigning on campus  No door to door solicitation at University housing  No placing campaign materials can be placed under doors in University housing Campaign Conduct Don’ts Continued

11  Campaigning off campus- with written permission of owner of location and approval of the Elections Commission  Endorsements are allowed under the conditions that the candidates must submit written endorsement form, as well as attending a meeting and speaking with the organization.  Use web pages, like Facebook and Twitter, as long as material to be posted is approved beforehand by the Elections Commission  *Each candidate must supply one copy of each type of poster used in the campaign before posted on campus for approval of the Elections Commission Campaign Conduct Do’s

12  Total campaigning expenses shall not exceed One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) per Ticket  All campaign finances shall be recorded and reported to the Elections Commissioner on the standardized forms provided by the Election Commission.  Every expense must be recorded on the Campaign Expense Sheet and submitted to the Elections Commission.  *Failure to follow Expense Rules will result in being charged with a major violation. Expense Accounting

13  All complaints must be filed in writing on an official TSG Elections Complaint Form provided by the Election Committee and submitted to the Elections Commissioner and Chief Justice. Complaints

14  Chapter 7: Violations of the Elections Code  Minor campaign violations shall result in a written warning and any fee delivered by the Court.  Up to six (6) minor campaign violations may be issued during the entire course of the election period. Every second minor violation shall be treated as a major violation.  Minor campaign violations shall include, but are not limited to: poster size, placement, quantity, and location.  Candidates shall receive written warning twenty-four (24) hours prior to the enforcement of the consequences of the violation in the event that a violation is found to exist. Minor Violations

15  Two (2) minor violations shall be considered a major violation.  1 st Major Violation: will result in losing time privileges to a closing argument in a debate as decided by the Elections Commission.  2 nd Major Violation: shall result in loss of all campaigning for the duration of the election period.  3 rd Major Violation: will result in disqualification from the election.  Major campaign violations shall consist of, but are not limited to: ◦ failure to submit campaign materials for approval by the Elections Commission ◦ campaigning at off campus sporting events without approval of the Commission ◦ campaigning in the library, recreation center or Temple University computer labs ◦ Leafleting ◦ door-to-door solicitation ◦ destruction of campaign material Major Campaign Violations

16  Submit a Protest to The Judicial Court  Protest will specify in what way the Plaintiff was allegedly injured by the actions of the defendant.  The Supreme Court shall issue all election decisions and related orders within 72 hours of appeal and shall not postpone or suspend General or Run Off elections in order to do so Protests and Appeals

17  We want a clean election.  We want as many students as possible to vote- utilize all Temple Students!  Get people involved! Goals!

18  Campaign Season Begins ◦ Monday, March 21 st  First Executive Debate: During State of the Campus ◦ Monday, March 28 th 4 pm, Student Center Room200C ◦ All candidates running for executive office will be at the debate during Temple's State of the Campus Meeting. They will answer questions and offer their perspective. March Schedule

19  Final Executive Debate ◦ Monday, April 4 th 6 pm- Student Atrium ◦ New questions: student body will have an opportunity to ask questions to candidates.  Voting time! ◦ Tuesday and Wednesday, April 5 th and 6 th  Release of Results ◦ Within a week after voting. April Schedule

20  Look at  You need to submit your photos (.jpg) and final platforms (.doc) to by Monday 3/  Voting begins April 5 th at 12:01 AM and ends on April 6 th at 11:59 pm UVote

21 Questions?

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