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Dotty Ingham Instructional Technology Coach Coalinga Huron USD January 2016 * iPads Rock Elementary!

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Presentation on theme: "Dotty Ingham Instructional Technology Coach Coalinga Huron USD January 2016 * iPads Rock Elementary!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dotty Ingham Instructional Technology Coach Coalinga Huron USD dottyjiedu@twitter January 2016 * iPads Rock Elementary!

2 * Objectives Today * Look at iClassroom Needs * Look at Digital Citizenship * Look at Technology Standards * Look at Resource Considerations * Look at Great C D E Apps * Look at New Trends in iPads * Plan For Monday Implementation “ Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” Benjamin Franklin

3 * Why iPads? * Fun Information/Lesson Delivery * Student Engagement * Student Creation and Product * Student Differentiation * Sharing/Collaboration * Web Connections * There’s an App for that! “ The iPad is the Swiss army knife of content creation tools.” Andrew Douch

4 * What Do You Need? * Updated Wireless Internet Connections * Apple ID Accounts ✓ Each iPad normally needs separate Apple ID ✓ District can set up so no Apple ID is needed * Inventory Tags * Labels or method of organization * Which room is device assigned to? * Which student is device assigned to? * Optional – Apple TV – but recommended

5 * iPad Accessories * Standard Case or Kid Case * Headphones or Earbuds * Screen Protectors * Stylus * Charging Cables * Storage Containers

6 * iPad Rules * Make Up Classroom Rules * Conduct * Handling * Digital Citizenship * Consequences * Parent Contract

7 * Digital Citizenship * Teach and reteach Digital Citizenship to ALL Students! Remember to discuss personal information.

8 * Digital Citizenship * Pause and Think Video o

9 * Technology Standards


11 * Technology Integration


13 * The iClassroom Implementation Strategies * Set Clear Expectations * Teach Responsibility * Allow Exploration * Circulate the Room * Differentiate Tasks * Assign Group Roles * Students Create or Produce * Use Apps to Build Independence * Back Up Plan

14 * iPads – What to Consider for Implementation * Remember C D E * C Creativity for Students * D Delivery of Instruction * E Engagement

15 * iPads – Where to Start * Consider Your Current Resources * District Adopted Programs – Technology Piece * County and State Resources * Consider Your Students’ Experiences * Consider Your Learning Objectives * Consider Websites vs. Apps * Consider Device Storage * ASK and SHARE with OTHERS!

16 * QR Reader App Activities * Small Group Center Activities * Questions/Answers * Multiple Step Math Problems * Scavenger Hunts * Content Delivery * Info and Response * Training and P * I like to give students info through QR Code and then require them to do a follow up activity (response or product)

17 * QR Reader Activities * My Littles!!!

18 * White Board Apps * The Notability, Show Me, & Explain Everything Apps record student work including narrations. These Apps are great for simple quick lessons too. * The Popplet Lite App is for creating a graphic organizer. There is a cost version also.

19 * Teacher Instruction Apps * The Doceri and Educreations Apps are exceptional tools for teachers to record and post their lessons. These Apps are a bit more techy to use. * These two Apps work wonderfully for flipped classrooms. A teacher can record the entire lesson and post it in the workflow stream. Students can access it from home.

20 * Writing Apps * I like to use the Seesaw Learning Journal App to give the students assignments. It is easy to set up the class and add students. They love to write back to me. Nothing posts until you approve it. Parents can see their child’s work and give feedback right in the journal. * The Vittle and Book Creator Apps have a free version and a cost version. The students can create a digital book.

21 * Photo Apps * I like to use the Pic Collage Apps to put my photos together and then connect information to the collage with the ThingLink App. * ThingLink is a great app for collection or delivery of information in a unique way. * The Cannva App is a graphic design application.

22 * Movie Apps * The You Tube Capture App is very user friendly. * The iMove App is a great app. It is a large app that uses a lot of device storage. Watch this video of a student presenting his mission report in an unique way. tch?v=G-9M4I1HRt8 * The Tellagami App is for an animated Gami video.

23 * Google * Google Apps must be downloaded on each iPad * Chrome * Gmail & Drive * Docs, Sheets & Slides * Translate * Classroom * Hangouts * Maps & Earth * Your Google Docs will only open in each Google App

24 * Art Apps * I like to use the simple Art Apps first with my students at the beginning of the year. * Class Management Apps * Workflow Apps

25 * Reading Apps * My students love Starfall and anything Dr. Seuss. Many teachers recommend ABC Mouse for K-1 grades. * Check to see if your adopted ELA/RTI programs have apps to go with the program resources. The Pixei Book App is great for learning and tracing letters.

26 * Math Apps * Many of the Math Apps are games centered, progress in levels and are free. Splash Math is good but requires alot of teacher handling. * My students love Pizza, Geoboard and Sushi Monster. I assign the first app with a set time and then allow exploration.

27 * Science Apps * My students love Brain Pop Jr. They use the app along with the website every week. * The Science Apps need to match your students curriculum and age. Nasa Apps have images and videos with information about space and the Nasa missions. Discovery Education is excellent too.

28 * Social Science Apps * The Flat Stanley, This Day and the Wonders Apps provide information to the students in the form of text. Many of the Social Science apps are games.

29 * Class Assessment Apps * The Socrative Apps use cards that can be printed. The students then choose their answers based on how they hold the cards up. Then the iPad scans the room and records the students’ responses. The scan can show results and even creative responses. The results are immediate. The results are not graded by student but rather by question. This may take some practice.

30 * iPad Apps - The New Trend * Augmented Reality Apps * Quiver * Quiver in Education * Primary Augmented Reality Apps * Zoo Adventure * Alphabet 3D * Requires print out of papers or flashcards. * The animals seem to come to life including sounds. * Print pages in sets * Color pages * Use app to see pages come to life. * The sets cost $. I only put the app on the teacher iPad. * Use as a part of a project or report.

31 * iPad Apps - The New Trend * Aurasma Augmented Reality App * An Aura comes to life. * Create a trigger image. * Trigger image must be colorful - not black and white. * Create a short - 20 sec. * Attach the video to the trigger image. * Use the Aurasma App to scan the image. * The video will pop up and begin to play * The Aurasma App provides us with many opportunities for instruction delivery, student presentations and PD for staff.

32 * iPads on Monday ID a Paper Task Choose a Resource to Use Choose a New Way To Do The Task Choose a Lesson Create a New Method of Delivery Have FUN! “Who dares to teach must never cease to learn.” John Cotton Dana

33 * iPad Activities * My Littles!! * Fun Friday!!

34 * Did We Meet Our Objectives? Now, as in no other time in history, we as teachers are being asked to prepare our children for a target that is constantly moving and changing. * Look at iClassroom Needs * Look at Digital Citizenship * Look at Technology Standards * Look at Resource Considerations * Look at Great C D E Apps * Look at New Trends in iPads * Plan For Monday Implementation

35 Thank you for attending this session! Please take a moment to evaluate this workshop using: 1. The QR Code to the right or 2. The online evaluation on or or 3. Using this direct link: or 4. A session evaluation form available at the Conference Registration Desk.

36 * Questions Thank YOU! Dotty Ingham Instructional Technology Coach Coalinga Huron USD dottyjiedu@twitter January 2016

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