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Kristen Bennett Charlene Linkous Eileen Volker. The Problem: According to the Maryland State Department of Education (2009), 5th grade only had 87.5%

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Presentation on theme: "Kristen Bennett Charlene Linkous Eileen Volker. The Problem: According to the Maryland State Department of Education (2009), 5th grade only had 87.5%"— Presentation transcript:

1 Kristen Bennett Charlene Linkous Eileen Volker

2 The Problem: According to the Maryland State Department of Education (2009), 5th grade only had 87.5% of students performing at the proficient or advanced range on math MSA Limited availability in the Academic Intervention program (Summer School) Some students “left behind” due to monetary and space limitations

3 So What Should We Do? Create an online-based summer school program Use already purchased county resources such as Wiki Spaces and Odyssey Math to develop seven online remediational math courses Provide resources needed to 15 students from three needs based, Title I schools Offer two, 2-3 week sessions based on individual student needs

4 The Pilot Program 5th grade students from the feeder schools entering Harper’s Choice middle school. 15 students per school 7 two-week sessions Each student will be provided with a Netbook for use over the summer to complete coursework Students and parents will attend a training seminar to learn how to use the program and will sign an agreement to complete the program over the summer

5 The Summer School Program 2 areas of need identified for each student based on Howard County math assessments Students are given 2 weeks to complete a course for each area of need Daily reports can be accessed by student or instructor to ensure students are completing and succeeding in the program Students not achieving 70% on assessments may be required to attend a video conference with the instructor and their parent

6 Class Format Blended format (some online and some face to face meetings) Why? o Some face to face time needed o Cost saving o Increased number of students Parent Expectation o Additional support needed o Expected to provide location with wireless capability

7 How will the program be created? Regulatory Subsystem- planning, management, funding and assessment o Co-creators of this proposal o Caroline Walker, coordinator of Academic Intervention and Title I for Howard County o Howard County’s Office of Professional and Organizational Development o Howard County’s Accounting Office

8 Program Creation Cont’d Course Subsystem- design and development o Curriculum Writers/Howard County Teachers o Odyssey Math Tech Support o Co-creators of this program will oversee all curriculum development, as well as provide tech support for the curriculum writers Student Subsystem/Course Management System- o Wiki Space o Odyssey Math Website

9 Program Creation Cont’d Technology Infrastructure o Students- Netbooks for each student enrolled in program o Teachers- County provided laptop, and FlipUltra camera o Tech Support  Odyssey Math Representative  Co-creators of this proposal o Quality of Program  Administrators overlooking teachers  Odyssey math reports to measure student achievement

10 Funding Add table here

11 What Will it Look Like? Each course (2 week period) has own Wiki page o Tabs on left direct student to each day’s wiki page o Daily video introduction of concepts for the students o Link to daily Odyssey math assignment o Links for additional practice/support o Chat room for teacher/student questions o Page for student questions/teacher answers o Tech support phone number on daily assignment page

12 Compass Learning Odyssey Odyssey has been purchased by HCPSS for use in middle school Odyssey curriculum aligns with MSDE mathematics standards Assignment building, test building, assessments, reports (attendance, progress, achievement)




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21 Conclusion Need for additional math support for 5th to 6th grade students Limited availability of summer school Could be expanded to all schools/grades/subjects in the county with slight modifications if the pilot is successful Cost-effective way to provide support to struggling students Distance learning provides “Biggest Bang for The Buck”

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