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Coordinator’s Academy Local District 6 Program Improvement Thursday October 27, 2005.

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1 Coordinator’s Academy Local District 6 Program Improvement Thursday October 27, 2005

2 Program Improvement Schools How does a Title I school become identified as a Program Improvement (PI) school? Once identified, what must a school do? How does a school exit the PI status?

3 How does a school become a Program Improvement School? The school has not made Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) for two consecutive years. AYP (meeting the annual measurable objectives) is: – % of students proficient or above in English Language Arts and Math – 95% participation rate – API for all schools – Graduation rate for High School

4 ANNUAL MEASURABLE OBJECTIVES Elementary and Middle Schools: – 24.4% of the students are proficient or above in English Language Arts – 26.5% of the students are proficient or above in Math – 95% participation rate – Met API

5 ANNUAL MEASURABLE OBJECTIVES High School: – 22.3% of the students are proficient or above in English Language Arts – 20.9% of the students are proficient or above in math – 95% participation rate – API met – Graduation rate

6 Program Improvement School What’s next? PI Year One Requirements: – Inform parents of PI status – Reason for identification – Explanation of what the school and district are doing to address the problem – Explanation of how parents can become involved – Explain the parents option to transfer their child to another school

7 PI Year 1 Requirements Revise School Plan to address required PI elements – Cover a 2 year period – Includes consultation with parents, school staff, the district and an outside expert – Peer review process – 10% of the schools Title I budget must be spent on professional development for school staff/administration

8 PI Year 1 Requirements Offer “choice” to parents to send their children to another school in the district that is not a PI school The district is responsible for identifying the “choice” school options and arranging for transportation, free of cost, to the parents

9 PI Year 1 Requirements District Responsibilities – Provide technical assistance during revision of school plan and throughout its implementation Data analysis Identification and implementation of instructional strategies Budget analysis

10 Local District 6 PI 1 Schools Corona Ave ES Odyssey High School (Appeal in process) San Antonio High School State Street ES

11 NCLB Year of Program Improvement (PI) Year 2 – Continue district technical assistance – Use 10% of funds for PD – School choice ADD: – Provide supplemental educational services to eligible students and notify parents

12 Local District 6 PI 2 Schools ELC Theresa Hughes ES Lillian Street ES (Safe harbor) Loma Vista ES Middleton ES Miles Es Stanford ES

13 PI 3 School Continue services from PI 2 school ADD one of the following: – Implement new curriculum – Extend school year or day – Appoint outside expert – Decrease management authority at school – Replace school staff – Restructure school

14 Local District 6 PI 3 Schools South Gate MS Nimitz MS South Gate HS

15 PI 4 School Continue PI 3 services ADD: – Develop a plan for alternative school governance – Provide notice to parents and teachers and allow comment

16 Local District 6 PI 4 Schools Independence ES

17 PI 5 School Continue PI 4 services Implement one of the following: – Reopen school as a charter – Replace all or most of the staff including principal – Contract with outside entity to manage school – Turn operation of school over to the State – Other restructuring of school governance

18 Local District 6 PI 5 Schools Bell SH Gage MS Holmes Ave. ES Huntington Park HS Park Ave. ES

19 How do you exit the PI status? A PI school that makes its AYP for one year is frozen in place for a year PI schools making AYP for two consecutive years exits the program improvement status

20 Questions?

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