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Download “Dictionary. com” app on IPhone/Android

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1 Download “Dictionary. com” app on IPhone/Android
Download “” app on IPhone/Android. It will be especially helpful for vocabulary study. Sat vocabulary 19 As we go through the slides, fill in the necessary blanks on your chart. I have completed some for you. Words that are missing information, you will fill in missing information.

2 1. adjunct Part of Speech- noun Definition- ? Synonym- associate
Antonym- subtraction Sentence: An adjunct professor is one who is associated with a college faculty only in a temporary manner.

3 2. anomalous Part of Speech- adjective
Definition- out of place, abnormal Synonym- irregular; bizarre Antonym- ? Sentence- ?

4 3. Belligerent Part of Speech- ?
Definition- waging war; inclined to or exhibiting assertiveness Synonym - combative Antonym- peaceful Sentence- A belligerent nation always seems to be at war.

5 4. Censure Part of Speech- ? Definition- to blame or condemn
Synonym- denounce Antonym- ? Sentence- The student was censured for cheating on the exam.

6 5. Compliance Part of Speech- noun
Definition- a yielding; cooperation or obedience Synonym- concession Antonym- rebellion Sentence- ?

7 6. Defile Part of Speech- verb Definition- ? Synonym- befoul
Antonym- honor; purify Sentence- ?

8 7. diligent Part of Speech- ?
Definition- characterized by steady, attentive, and energetic effort in a pursuit or study Synonym- industrious Antonym- ? Sentence- Joe was diligent in his study of the material, so he made an A on the exam.

9 8. expedient Part of Speech- adjective Definition- ?
Synonym- effective Antonym- ? Sentence- Even though Arial gave an expedient response, it wasn’t classroom appropriate

10 9. flout Part of Speech- verb Definition- to treat with contempt
Synonym- insult Antonym- ? Sentence- After losing to the Wolves, the Husky players flouted responses on Twitter that were rude.

11 10. Galling Part of Speech- adjective Definition- very irritating
Synonym- ? Antonym- soothing Sentence- ?

12 11. Heralded Part of Speech- verb Definition- announced or publicized
Synonym- ? Antonym- ? Sentence- Zach’s big hit was heralded in local and national media.

13 12. incantation Part of Speech- noun Definition- ?
Synonym- enchantment Antonym- ? Sentence- The purpose of the witch doctor’s incantation was to scare evil spirits.

14 13. Indigenous Part of Speech- ? Definition- native to a certain area
Synonym- native Antonym- ? Sentence- The Iroquois tribe was indigenous to the New York area before being forced out to reservations.

15 14. Luscious Part of Speech- adjective Definition- ? Synonym- ?
Antonym- unsavory Sentence- During free PACK time, Jordan enjoyed the luscious Oreo balls the cheerleaders made.

16 15. nomadic Part of speech- adjective
Definition- characterized by moving about from place to place Synonym- transient Antonym- ? Sentence- ?

17 16. Parry Part of Speech- verb
Definition- to deflect or ward off a blow Synonym- elude Antonym- ? Sentence- ?

18 17. Precipitate Part of speech- verb
Definition- to cause to speedily occur Synonym- ? Antonym- delay Sentence- ?

19 18. pungent Part of speech- adjective Definition- ?
Synonym- overpowering Antonym- dull, mild Sentence- Ms. Brackman uses a plug-in to alleviate the pungent smell of teenagers in her room.

20 19. ratify Part of Speech- ? Definition- to give formal approval
Synonym- approve Antonym- to reject Sentence- ?

21 20. sagacious Part of speech- ? Definition- wise, shrewd
Synonym- clever Antonym- foolish; stupid Sentence- ?

22 21. slovenly Part of Speech- adjective Definition- messy, untidy
Synonym- ? Antonym- ? Sentence- Students who turn in slovenly essays usually aren’t successful in my class.

23 22. spiteful Part of Speech- ?
Definition- full of malice, bitter ill will; desire to harm Synonym- vindictive Antonym- loving Sentence- ?

24 23. tangential Part of speech- adjective
Definition- slight connected; tending to digress from topic. Synonym- irrelevant Antonym- ? Sentence- Since class is short on time, tangential remarks are not appreciated.

25 24. taper Part of Speech- verb
Definition- to decrease in thickness or width. Synonym- ? Antonym- ? Sentence- Amelia asked her hairdresser to taper her hair, but Susan cut off way too much.

26 25. Vagrant Part of Speech- noun/adjective Definition- ?
Synonym- drifter (noun); fickle, drifting (adjective) Antonym- motivated (adjective) Sentence- ? *use it in both parts of speech.

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