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Forces - basic physics Gravity Friction - static and kinetic Viscosity

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Presentation on theme: "Forces - basic physics Gravity Friction - static and kinetic Viscosity"— Presentation transcript:

1 Forces - basic physics Gravity Friction - static and kinetic Viscosity
Springs (Hooke’s law) Damping

2 Friction Supporting object Fs Resting contact F FN Normal force
Static friction Fs Resting contact F Normal force FN

3 Friction Supporting object Kinetic friction Fk v Resting contact F FN
Normal force Static friction

4 Gravity

5 Viscosity kv - depends on shape of object
n - depends on properties of liquid For spherical object: Terminal velocity - viscosity and gravity balance E.g., for sphere:

6 Springs (Hooke’s law) Spring’s rest length: exerts zero force x xrest

7 Spring Mesh Edges => springs Internal springs to stabilize shape

8 Damping Calm down spring oscillations

9 Forces - Recap Based on position: springs, gravity, wind,
Based on velocity: viscosity, dampers, Based on other forces: static and kinetic friction Give rise to accelerations Based on object interactions: collisions, friction

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