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Aperture & Depth of Field Unit. Depth of Field The Depth of Field in a photograph is the amount of distance between the nearest and the farthest objects.

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Presentation on theme: "Aperture & Depth of Field Unit. Depth of Field The Depth of Field in a photograph is the amount of distance between the nearest and the farthest objects."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aperture & Depth of Field Unit

2 Depth of Field The Depth of Field in a photograph is the amount of distance between the nearest and the farthest objects that appear sharp in focus. ShallowDeep

3 Depth of Field Use a shallow depth of field to enhance your subject

4 Depth of Field Use a deep depth of field to show off distance

5 Aperture The aperture is size of the opening in the lens. This opening is called the diaphragm. Openings are measured in ‘f-stops’.

6 Aperture As the ‘f-stop’ number gets smaller (eg f/2) the opening inside the lens gets bigger.

7 Aperture & Depth of Field SHALLOWDEEP The smaller the F-stop, the shallower the depth of field. Remember this like a pool: the lower the number, the shallower the water.

8 Aperture & Depth of Field Aperture Setting

9 Task 1. – Aperture Aperture Priority Setting your camera to Aperture Priority (AV), take 2 images in this classroom. 1.Shallow Depth of Field (small f-stop) 2.Deep Depth of Field (large f-stop)

10 Task 2. – Aperture Create a page in your sketchbook about Aperture. Your page must have: Title What is aperture? How is it measured? Diagram showing the changes inside the lens.

11 Task 3. – Depth of Field Create a page in your sketchbook about Depth of Field. Your page must have: Title What is Depth of Field? Examples from the internet of shallow and deep Examples you have taken (with f-stop).

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