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Texas Turnaround Center Team Lead Meeting February 8-9, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Texas Turnaround Center Team Lead Meeting February 8-9, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Texas Turnaround Center Team Lead Meeting February 8-9, 2016

2 Introductions & Celebrations

3 ESCs: Providing Support for the Main Thing Organizational Structure Processes/ Procedures Communications Capacity and Resources

4 Website Review Organizational Structure Processes/ Procedures Communications Capacity and Resources

5 Use “Search” feature for quick access to resources Designed with the district/campus client in mind Support & Guidance and Training categorized by client and partners Let’s walk through together:

6 ESC Resource Center Organizational Structure Processes/ Procedures Communications Capacity and Resources

7 Accountability Update Welcome Ty Duncan

8 Accountability Update TTC Meeting February 2016

9 Phase In 1 1/2 ?

10 Issues That Will Impact Indices in 2016 Inclusion of STAAR-A and STAAR Alt into the system and which indices is it used? Full impact of STAAR Math 3-8 on the system

11 2015 State Accountability 2016 State Accountability (Proposed) Very DRAFT!! RatingEach Index stands alone: Met Index 1 OR 2 AND Met Index 3 AND Met Index 4 Index 1 Student Achievement All subjects, All students: Phase-in 1 Level II Grades Math 3-8, all STAAR A and all STAAR ALternate 2 excluded Algebra I, Biology, English I, English II and U.S. History taken July 2014, Fall 2014, Spring 2015 Substitute Assessments Included All subjects, All students: Phase-in 1 Level II Grades Math 3-8, all STAAR A and all STAAR ALternate INCLDUDED???? Algebra I, Biology, English I, English II and U.S. History taken July 2014, Fall 2014, Spring 2015 Substitute Assessments Included Index 2 Student Progress Reading, Math and Writing Grades Math 3-8, all STAAR A and all STAAR ALternate 2 excluded [10 groups: all students, seven race/ethnicity groups, special education & English Language Learners(ELL)] ELL subgroup will include both current and monitored students One point for each percentage that Met growth expectation and One additional point for each percentage that Exceed growth expectation STAAR Progress Measures and ELL Progress Measures included Reading, Math and Writing Grades Math 3-8, INCLUDED??????? [10 groups: all students, seven race/ethnicity groups, special education & English Language Learners(ELL)] ELL subgroup will include both current and monitored students One point for each percentage that Met growth expectation and One additional point for each percentage that Exceed growth expectation STAAR Progress Measures and ELL Progress Measures included Index 3 Closing Performance Gaps All Subjects Grades Math 3-8, all STAAR A and all STAAR ALternate 2 excluded Economically Disadvantaged group and lowest two race/ethnicity groups based on % met standard 2014 Index 1 All subjects (Ethnicity minimum size: 25 Reading tests and 25 Math tests in 2014) Algebra I, Biology, English I, English II and U.S. History: July 2014, Fall 2014, Spring 2015 One point for each percentage of students that meet Phase-in 1 Level II One additional point for each percentage of students that meet Level III All Subjects Grades Math 3-8, all STAAR A and all STAAR Alt 2 INCLUDED Economically Disadvantaged group and lowest two race/ethnicity groups based on % met standard 2014 Index 1 All subjects (Ethnicity minimum size: 25 Reading tests and 25 Math tests in 2014) Algebra I, Biology, English I, English II and U.S. History: July 2014, Fall 2014, Spring 2015 One point for each percentage of students that meet Phase-in 1 Level II One additional point for each percentage of students that meet Level III Index 4 Post Secondary Readiness STAAR: One point for each percentage of students that meet Final Level II on two or more tests [8 groups] Grades Math 3-8, all STAAR A and all STAAR ALternate 2 excluded Substitute Assessments Included/Only first time EOC testers in 2014-15 cycle Included Graduation Rate: 4-yr(Class '14) or 5-yr(Class '13) [10 groups][AEA can also use 6-year (Class '12)] Diploma Plans: RHSP/DAP Longitudinal Rates [8 groups: All students & seven race/ethnic groups] Postsecondary Readiness: TSI on both ELA and Math, Advanced/Dual Credit or CTE Coherent sequence [8 groups] STAAR: One point for each percentage of students that meet Final Level II on two or more tests [8 groups] Grades Math 3-8, all STAAR A INCLUDED and no STAAR Alt Substitute Assessments Included/Only first time EOC testers in 2014-15 cycle Included Graduation Rate: 4-yr(Class '14) or 5-yr(Class '13) [10 groups][AEA can also use 6-year (Class '12)] Diploma Plans: RHSP/DAP Longitudinal Rates [8 groups: All students & seven race/ethnic groups] Postsecondary Readiness: TSI on both ELA and Math, Advanced/Dual Credit or CTE Coherent sequence [8 groups]

12 2016 ATAC Suggested Targets: Not for Dissemination 2016: Non-AEA Districts and Campuses Index Target Index 1Index 2*Index 3*Index 4 All Components STAAR Component Only Districts555 th percentile 6012 Campuses Elementary 55 5 th percentile n/a12 Middle5 th percentile n/a12 High School, K–12, and Elementary/ Secondary 5 th percentile 6012 * Index 2 and Index 3 targets for non-AEA campuses will be set at about the fifth percentile of non-AEA 2016 campus performance by campus type. Targets for non-AEA districts corresponded to about the fifth percentile of non-AEA 2016 campus performance across all campus types.


14 Which domains count more? What exactly is this? Can hard code this an “A” is my guess! “other measures” must be quantifiable which leaves TSI, SAT, or ACT all of which are not funded Also Dual Credit hours per student is a possibility

15 Example Only: Not For Dissemination Cut Points Weights 1 ­­ ABCDF Example 1*Example 2** 15%Domain I685637320 58B8958A100 25%Domain II6050403020 55B8955B89 15%Domain III4035302520 33C7933C79 35%Domain IV8070605040 79B8979B89 10%Domain VDistrict assigns letter grade A100 A A–F Scores 2 10089796959 Weighted average= Weighted average= Overall90807060<60 88.6 90.3 Overall Rating: B Overall Rating: A

16 ESSA & Focus School Update Welcome Mark Baxter

17 Supporting the Work Organizational Structure Processes/ Procedures Communications Capacity and Resources

18 Supporting the Work Step 1: Select one person from your table to transcribe and another to share out Step 2: Discuss each question as a table Step 3: Use the activity handout to transcribe your team’s input Step 4: Share out some highlights of your table conversation Step 5: Other teams will have an opportunity to ask questions and provide input Step 6: Table Talk…Next Steps

19 Enjoy Your Lunch!

20 Support System Dialogue Organizational Structure Processes/ Procedures Communications Capacity and Resources

21 Support Systems

22 Communication Building Capacity and Resources Processes and Procedures Organizational Structure


24 SUPPORT to sustain to assist to uphold

25 SYSTEM Combination of things or parts forming a complex whole

26 What makes something a system?

27 What are the key attributes of a system?

28 Russ Ackoff Systems’ Thinking

29 “When a system is taken apart, it loses its essential properties.” Russ Ackoff

30 Support Systems Communication Building Capacity and Resources Processes and Procedures Organizational Structure

31 Through the lens of systems thinking… Read each Support System definition and highlight parts of the definition that reinforce the concept of systems.

32 Andy Hargreaves “Revolving Door Principals”


34 How can we use support systems to enhance our thinking around the problem of “revolving door principals”?

35 How can we use support systems to enhance our thinking around growing and developing leaders?

36 Communication Building Capacity and Resources Processes and Procedures Organizational Structures

37 Leveraging Systems Organizational Structure Processes/ Procedures Communications Capacity and Resources

38 TAIS, T-TESS, and T-PESS Education Service Center Region 13

39 Key Questions What is the work of ESC’s regarding the new systems? How do the systems support continuous improvement? How do the systems relate to TAIS processes (Support Systems, CSFs, etc.)

40 Role of ESCs so far Deliver TTESS 3 day Appraiser Training Support Fidelity of Implementation Calibration Skill Development Facilitate Key Processes/Best Practices Orientation Goal Setting Observations Pre-, Post, End of Year Conferences Facilitate communications between TEA & districts Receive evaluation data and feedback

41 Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System (T-TESS) Purpose: Growth Formalize what highly effective teachers do Provide timely, formative ongoing feedback Develop habits of self-assessment, reflection, and adjustment Create collaborative, relational, supportive cultures

42 EVERY teacher establishes individual goals for professional growth and increased effectiveness. EVERY teacher receives feedback to identify an area of REINFORCEMENT (= GLOW). EVERY teacher receives feedback to identify an area of REFINEMENT (= GROW). Collective, campus wide investment in Continuous Improvement. T-TESS is a GROWTH-ORIENTED MODEL

43 With T-TESS, supervisors will be investing more time conferencing with teachers observing teachers and providing feedback to teachers, to help improve instruction. Goal: Leverage the process and to create a growth mind-set that is deeply embedded in the school. AN INVESTMENT IN GROWING PEOPLE !

44 Why Change? Because Educator Quality Matters “Teaching had 6 to 10 times as much impact on achievement as all other factors combined.” Michael Schmoker “If education leaders want to close the achievement gap, they must focus, first and foremost, on developing qualified teachers.” Katy Haycock “Success [in education] hinges on what happens at the classroom level.” Thomas Guskey

45 System Integration TAIS: Systems Support; Continuous Improvement; CSFs T-PESS: Leadership Responsibilities T-TESS: Domains, Dimensions, Indicators

46 Leveraging, not layering Work with the T-TESS Rubric, T-PESS Leadership Responsibilities and TAIS Framework to identify areas where the evaluation systems might be leveraged to further your work with schools in improvement.

47 Break

48 PSP Learning Plan Data Organizational Structure Processes/ Procedures Communications Capacity and Resources

49 Collaborative/ Statewide Partners Institute Input Organizational Structure Processes/ Procedures Communications Capacity and Resources

50 Open Forum Discussion

51 Thank you! See you Tuesday 8:30AM

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