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Saddam Hussein President of Iraq 1979-2003 Invaded Iran 1980, Invaded Kuwait 1990, Deposed 2003, Hanged 2005.

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1 Saddam Hussein President of Iraq 1979-2003 Invaded Iran 1980, Invaded Kuwait 1990, Deposed 2003, Hanged 2005



4 BushBush – President 1988-1992 Desert Storm – February 24 – 28, 1991

5 1991 US Planes over Kuwait

6 MI Abrams Tank – 68 Tons, Top Speed 42 MPH

7 The B-52 can fly at altitudes of 50,000 feet. It carries 70,000 pounds of bombs and has a wingspan of 168 feet. It can fly 8,000 miles without refueling and was first built in 1954. It was used extensively in Vietnam, the 1991 Gulf War and in Afghanistan and Iraq post 9/11.

8 Twenty 500 pound bombs are shown dropping from the belly of this B-52. The plane is equipped with a further 60,000 pounds of bombs. These bombs are dumb bombs. Once they are dropped they simply fall driven by gravity. Today most of the munitions used are JDAMS – Joint Direct Attack Munitions - which can be steered to a target, often by a soldier on the ground “lighting” a target with a laser.

9 Iraqi Highway of Death Out of Kuwait

10 President Bush and General Norman Schwarzkopf

11 No Fly Zones 1991-2003 UN Security Resolution 687 mandated the destruction of all WMD facilities and machinery used to develop them as well as missiles with a range of more than 100 miles. No Fly Zones were enforced from the end of the Gulf War to 2003.

12 February 26 1993 – Ramzi bin Yousef explodes a 1,500 pound bomb in the parking garage of one of the towers. Six people were killed and 1,000 injured. Yousef had hoped to topple one tower into the other and kill 250,000 people.

13 Ramzi bin Yousef WTC Bomber 1993 Captured in Pakistan, February 7, 1995

14 1993 Twin Towers Attack

15 Khobar Towers, June 1996 Saudi Arabia – 19 Americans killed, 372 wounded

16 February, 1998 – Osama bin Ladin declared war on the United States. He urged the murder of “any American, anywhere” as the duty of all Muslims. Describing Americans as the “worst thieves and terrorists on earth” he said there was no difference between military and civilians when it came to citizens of the USA – they are all targets. (page 64 of 9/11 Commission Report)

17 Omar al-Bashir – Sudanese Leader Hosts bin Laden 1991-1996

18 Bin Ladin and, to the right, the Egyptian who became Al Qaeda’s leader following Bin Laden’s death, Ayman al- Zawahiri. This picture was taken in Tora Bora, Afghanistan prior to 9/11.

19 Clinton Impeachment 1998

20 Tanzania Embassy Bombing – August 7, 1998 Ten killed and seventy-seven wounded

21 US Embassy Kenya 8/7/98 – 291 Dead and more than 5,000 Wounded

22 US Embassy in Kenya

23 Desert Fox- December,1998 Iraq Bombarded After Two Years Impeding U.N Weapon Inspections

24 USS Cole Attacked off of Yemen – October, 2000

25 Attack on USS Cole – 17 Sailors Killed, 39 Wounded

26 9/11 Hijackers – 2,973 Dead in NY, Washington and Pennsylvania

27 Ground Zero burned for 100 days – The confirmed death toll stood at 2,749

28 Firefighters raise the flag

29 Anthrax Attacks 2001

30 Anthrax Bio Terror 2001 – 5 Dead, 17 Infected, Mass Fear

31 Likely Anthrax Terrorist Bruce Ivins – Government Scientist in Biodefense specializing in Anthrax Vaccines - Committed Suicide July 29, 2008

32 AC-130 Gunship

33 AC-130 In Action

34 Used at Tora Bora Cave Complex

35 Tora Bora, 2001

36 An American soldier passing through an Afghan village somewhere in the Hindu-Kush Mountains.

37 Mullah Omar was the leader of the Taliban. He escaped Afghanistan and is presumably living in Pakistan. He lost an eye fighting the Soviets in the 1979-1989 war. His refusal to turn Bin Laden over to the American government led to the U.S invasion of Afghanistan in October, 2001.

38 Afghanistan’s Taliban Leader Mullah Omar lost an eye fighting the Soviets. He has eluded American forces since the invasion of October, 2001. The last leader of pre-Taliban Afghanistan was Najibullah. He and his brother were captured by the Taliban, beaten, castrated, dragged behind jeeps and then strung up to die.

39 Khalid Sheikh Muhammad was the architect of the 9/11 plot. He was captured in Pakistan – March, 2003 by American and Pakistani agents. He is in U.S custody.

40 View of Terrorist Prison Cells Guantanamo(Gitmo)Bay, Cuba.

41 KSM was waterboarded 183 times as part of “enhanced interrogation” techniques.

42 KSM in 2003 and 2009

43 Abottobad, Pakistan This compound housed Osama bin Laden from 2005 to 2011 it is 35 miles from the Pakistani capital of Islamabad

44 President Obama, V.P Biden, Secretary of State Clinton and Defense Secretary Gates monitor Seal Team Six as the raid that ended in bin Ladin’s death proceeds – May 2, 2011



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