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MSD II System Demonstration P15044 – Intelligent Mobility Cane4/16/2015.

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Presentation on theme: "MSD II System Demonstration P15044 – Intelligent Mobility Cane4/16/2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 MSD II System Demonstration P15044 – Intelligent Mobility Cane4/16/2015

2 RIT MSD P15044 –Intelligent Mobility Cane Agenda ●System Overview ●Current State ●Risk Management ●Project Plan & Budget ●Looking Forward- 3 week plans ●Peer Reviews & Lessons Learned 2

3 System Overview

4 RIT MSD P15044 –Intelligent Mobility Cane Full Assembly 4

5 Current State

6 RIT MSD P15044 –Intelligent Mobility Cane Cost Drivers 6 Overall System Cost (Old) SubsystemUnit Cost per 1Unit Cost per 1000 Electronic Components$46.51$19.12 Unmounted Electrical Components$99.65$75.25 Mechanical Structure Components$31.51$11.22 Miscellaneous Components$0.00 TOTAL$177.67$105.59 Overall System Cost (New) SubsystemUnit Cost per 1Unit Cost per 1000 Electronic Components$46.51$21.12 Unmounted Electrical Components$99.65$75.25 Mechanical Structure Components$31.51$11.98 Miscellaneous Components$0.00 TOTAL$177.67$108.35 Even with design changes, our cost for full-scale manufacturing will be under the maximum material cost of $125.

7 RIT MSD P15044 –Intelligent Mobility Cane Mechanical Current State 7

8 RIT MSD P15044 –Intelligent Mobility Cane Ergonomics 8 Moment required to support cane, M equals: M=Fd=.64lb * 5.3in= 3.4in-lb The maximum recommended value is about 6 Nm or 53 in-lb.

9 RIT MSD P15044 –Intelligent Mobility Cane Electrical Current State 9 Battery Board Power Board

10 RIT MSD P15044 –Intelligent Mobility Cane Battery Use Case 10 Battery Life- 3237.96 mA/hr Worst Case < Average Battery Life

11 RIT MSD P15044 –Intelligent Mobility Cane Infrared Sensitivity 11 Dist B1 [ft] = 8ft Results Angle of the IR Sensor (°)19.5596 16.336723.5569 Maximum Sweep Height (in)4.0440 4.03803.9252 ***Angle is with respect to the cane. Worst Case Positive with Ideal Angle Worst Case Negative with Ideal Angle Dist B1 [ft] 10.146.45 Maximum Sweep Height (in) 1.5126.642 Dist B1 [ft] = 7ft Results Angle of the IR Sensor (°)17.3474 14.210921.1775 Maximum Sweep Height (in)5.7120 5.74805.5440 ***Angle is with respect to the cane. Worst Case Positive with Ideal Angle Worst Case Negative with Ideal Angle Dist B1 [ft] 8.575.79 Maximum Sweep Height (in) 3.248.244 An increase in 2 degrees of the angle of the infrared sensor induces a 1 foot increase in the start of the drop-off detection distance.

12 RIT MSD P15044 –Intelligent Mobility Cane Software Current State TaskCodeDebug Utilities Write ADC Utilities100% Write PWM Utilities100% Write Timer Utilities100% Write EEPROM Utilities100% Detection Write Dropoff Detection Algorithm100%0 % Write Object Detection Algorithm100% 0 % Write Low Power Detection100% Control Setup100% Main Control Flow100% Event Handlers100% Other Ping The Ultrasonic Sensors100% Pulse Vibration Motors100%

13 Going Forward

14 RIT MSD P15044 –Intelligent Mobility Cane Validation Matrix Validation Matrix on EDGE 14

15 RIT MSD P15044 –Intelligent Mobility Cane Problems in Progress 15 ID Current Status Priority Issue Description Assigne d To Owner System Affected Expected Resolution Date Impact Summary Action Steps Issue Type Date Identified Entered By 7Work In ProgressHighHard to distinguish between vibrations on cane handle Allan, Dan, Marisa Mechanical Electrical 04/02/15Fuction of Handle Met with Vibration Expert (Dr. Ghoneim), purchased low stiffness rubber on Tuesday, 2/24/15, Experiment with pulsing motors, Informatio nal 02/12/15Justine 25Work In ProgressLowEnclosure button holes too small AndrewMechanical /Electrical 04/19/15AssemblyIncrease tolerance around buttons. Investigate normal tolerances of button placement in large scale manufacturing System04/14/15Andrew 26Work In ProgressLowOverhang US Sensor doesn't fit through Enclosure Cover AndrewMechanical04/19/15AssmeblyIncrease space around sensor, consider diifferent model geometries System04/14/15Andrew 27Work In ProgressLowVelcro Strap doesn’t fit through slot AndrewMechanical04/19/15AssemblyIncrease slot width, use straps without grommets, or both System04/14/15Andrew

16 RIT MSD P15044 –Intelligent Mobility Cane 3 Week Plans 16

17 RIT MSD P15044 –Intelligent Mobility Cane ImagineRIT Obstacle Course 17 Featured Obstacles: 5 ft Overhang 5 ft Wall 6 in Step(s) 6 in Ramp/Drop Off

18 RIT MSD P15044 –Intelligent Mobility Cane Project Plan 18

19 RIT MSD P15044 –Intelligent Mobility Cane Risk Management 19 Risk Management document on Google Drive

20 RIT MSD P15044 –Intelligent Mobility Cane Planned vs Actual Budget 20

21 RIT MSD P15044 –Intelligent Mobility Cane Lessons Learned Verify team deadlines match course deadlines. Be as critical as necessary during Peer Reviews. 21

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